Meet Robin Watkins – Davis


Every now and then we come across a bright, sparky yoga teacher and we just have to get them on board! We caught up with the latest addition to our team, yoga for teens teacher, Robin Watkins – Davis for a chat about what keeps her moving and why she loves yoga…

Robin Watkins - Davis

Daily Move – what do you do every day to keep moving?

Every morning before college I wake up, light candles, put on some fairy lights and set my intention or focus for the day.

For example today it was to:

Listen more than I speak and be present for someone else.

Then I do some sun salutations. I make these focused to set my headspace for the day ahead.

Next I put on some upbeat tunes and have a yoga dance party, allowing myself to be expressive and creative which I find really helps me to be open minded and creative throughout my day at art college and when faced with a challenge.

Daily ingredient? Five minutes each day – what to do for you?

I find tuning into a kind, loving frequency really calms my mind and puts everything into perspective so I do a 5-Minute Loving Kindness Meditation.

A loving kindness meditation is where you wish for health, happiness, peace and love for yourself and then allow that to radiate out, until you have eventually wished that the whole world be well, happy, peaceful and loved.

>>Try this guided Loving Kindness Meditation on MFML>>

How did you fall in love with yoga?

I fell in love with the meditation aspect of yoga when I was 12. I went to Scotland to stay with my Dad. I began to use meditation to work through some upset and I found it so beneficial that I found myself hooked on it.

I got into movement when I got a yoga mat and yoga DVD for Christmas – I started doing the DVD most days before school. It really helped through my GCSE’s so I decided to make it part of my daily life.

What motivates you to move more?

The feeling of sheer peace, health and joy which pumps through my veins – it is such a natural high.

I know that an hour of yoga in the morning will make me feel 100% more energised and happy than that extra hour in bed so I wake up!

What’s the last book you read?

The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape. This is a wonderful humorous financial book written by an Australian and it’s all about how you can do what you love, be financially secure and have a balanced lifestyle.

Living thinker – tell us about someone whose life perspective you admire?

Rachel Brathen aka ‘Yogagirl’.  I used to follow her a lot when I was younger on social media @yoga_girl and I admire her authenticity and how she shares her highs and lows and how she uses her practice to balance out her emotions.

I found it very helpful growing up to have a more positive and realistic role model on social media.

Places to practice – your top five places you have or would?
  • I recently went on a 10 day rafting trip with my family in the Tasmanian wilderness. Practicing yoga there was transformational – very simple and connecting.
  • The beacon near my home – it’s wonderful to get high, look out over the Cotswolds and have a sense of expansion.
  • Bucket list of places to practice: India, on the ocean (sup yoga) and at the top of a mountain…
Favourite way to detox?

Sugar only Fridays! I recently started this and its been fab I don’t feel like I’m missing out as I just save a special treat for a Friday and it has made me feel more focused and healthy in the week. I am allowing myself to have natural sugars like a piece of fruit and honey but no artificial sugar.

>Try a yoga class with Robin>>

Robin Watkins - Davis

18-Year-Old Robin Watkins – Davis is Britain’s youngest yoga teacher who loves to share yoga, especially for teens. Teens and young adults have so much to benefit from starting a yoga practice, from reducing the stresses and anxiety that being a young adult brings, to learning how to breathe deeply through exam-time, to just being more body-confident.  Find out more at / Facebook / Instagram.



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