Anusara-Inspired Yoga › Life's Challenges › Improvers › Leila Sadeghee

  •  Yoga for Anger33:57
    Yoga for Anger

    Leila Sadeghee

    This class features breath exercises (pranayama) to get emotions swirling and moving through you, giving a recommended outlet for any anger you may be feeling. The class then becomes more dynamic with core and strengthening yoga asana to help you to move and manage feelings of anger and frustration.

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  •  Yoga for Anxiety38:32
    Yoga for Anxiety

    Leila Sadeghee

    This is a yoga class for when your head is a 'swiling thought mess'. Class starts with some energetic jumping lunges (feel free to give these a miss if you're not up to them!) - then the class intersperses asana to open and release the hips with calming breath exercises. Suitable for all levels, although not everyone may be able to keep up with Leila's energy levels at the start of class, but persevere if you can! The remaining 30 minutes of yoga and breath-work is much more peaceful and bound to see your anxiety levels to calm and managable levels.

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  • Blue Valentine21:30
    Blue Valentine

    Leila Sadeghee

    Refresh your soul with this beautiful heart-opening practice. Leila leads an easy flowing vinyasa which opens the side body and chest and finishes with a luxurious supported backbend with some tips for self massage for added TLC.

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  • Live Class -  Love Vinyasa01:32:34
    Live Class - Love Vinyasa

    Leila Sadeghee

    Join Leila at Inbaba Yoga for this fabulous live class where the intention of Love and being loved is set. This all-level class is intermediate vinyasa flow which cunningly sequences deep twists, standing balances, mantra and inversions leading to a sweet relaxation sequence. Be prepared ”“ this class is LOTS of fun!!

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  • Radical Creativity55:25
    Radical Creativity

    Leila Sadeghee

    Need to clear some head space or find great new challenge on the mat? Leila throws in some criss-cross core work to scramble the brain, handstands and chanting to clear creative blocks and revitalise.

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