Hatha Yoga › Move into Calm › Morning Energiser › All Levels

  •  Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class45:52
    Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 2 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Grounded22:11
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Grounded

    Clive Fogelman

    This morning hatha yoga class is sequenced designed to start your day feeling really grounded and settled. When we are grounded, we can make better decisions, and can be more present to the here and now of whatever may arise in the day, so that we can respond to the events of the coming day clarity and focus. The class focuses on the breath and with the connection on the ground starting with standing in mountain pose. Learn to cultivate a slow, steady breath through class and throughout your day, to create a grounding feeling. There is a focus on the breath and poses that really enhance a grounded and rooted experience, helping you cultivate clarity and focus for the rest of the day

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  • Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm26:23
    Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm

    Petra Coveney

    Low oestrogen affects ability to produce the hormones that make us feel happy and calm, and causes low brain energy that affect our mental focus, memory and make us feel overwhelm. Join Petra for this simple class to calm anxiety and overwhelm. It includes gentle movement to improve vagal nerve tone, Ocean breath with sound to soothe your nervous system, a restorative Supported Child’s pose with the option to ‘retreat from the world,’ and two breathing and meditation practices: Mind Meets The Breath and Ladder Breath.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness26:07
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness

    Clive Fogelman

    A sense of open body and mind is essential to get the most out of life. Being open to all that life throws at us, as well as being physically open, flexible and strong helps us to feel like we can take on all of life's challenges. This hatha yoga class is designed to create openness and spacious in the body and mind. Starting with a bridge pose sequence for a feeling of openness in the chest and heart, moving to supine twists and gate pose to open up the side body. Then a beautiful sequence of gently paced standing poses, giving plenty of time for long breaths in all yoga poses, to connect with the spaciousness in the body. The class explores both openness within the body and that can support an openness to our mind and how we move forward from our practise into the rest of the day.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Energised19:26
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Energised

    Clive Fogelman

    This energising hatha yoga class is a great boost to start our day with vitality. This class is largely flow based with awakening and energising movements to make us feel strong and motivated as we continue into the rest of your day.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Balanced28:08
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Balanced

    Clive Fogelman

    This creative Hatha Yoga class explores different aspects of balance - the balance between flowing and holding, movement and stillness, outward looking and inward looking, challenge and rest as well as exploring a few standing poses. Overall cultivating a balance between body and mind. A great way to start the day.

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  • Awakening to Yourself17:49
    Awakening to Yourself

    Petra Coveney

    Oestrogen is an anti-inflammatory, so your perimenopausal symptoms can include sore joints and muscle stiffness, especially around the hips, shoulders, wrists and ankles. Join Petra for this simple morning class with somatic movement to help you limber up, lubricate joints and set a positive intention for your day ahead. You can even practice this class in bed.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus23:22
    Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus

    Sally Parkes

    The first in the yoga for back care series, this back care class is a gentle introduction to the larger muscles that make up your back, filled with gentle stretches and mobilizing your back. This class is mostly seated and suitable for most mobility levels. Although if you are currently experiencing back pain, do ask your health care practitioner before practicing.

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  • Slow Flow to De-stress and Unwind58:15
    Slow Flow to De-stress and Unwind

    Vanessa Michielon

    A slow-paced Vinyasa yoga class to move away stress and tension at the end of the day. Mental stress can often manifest as chronic tension in our shoulders, neck and chest. This gentle flow aims exactly at releasing muscular contractions in these areas through twists, gentle heart openers, eagleshape arms movements and delicious full body stretches. Feel free to use a chair to support your legs during the final breathing practice and guided relaxation.

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  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Yoga for Full Body Strength45:34
    Yoga for Full Body Strength

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga class will strengthen your whole body. Join Clive for an levels class focusing on how we can use our yoga practise to develop strength around both the upper and lower body, covering all the major muscle groups. Perfect for anyone looking to work on building strength and a great complement to anyone who enjoys walking, running, cycling, working out in the gym and other physical activities. A great class for those of us who are moving through the decades to keep our physical strength to prevent osteoporosis.

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  • Strength and Empowerment21:47
    Strength and Empowerment

    Petra Coveney

    Join Petra for this energising Hatha class designed to build bone and muscle strength while also boosting your brain and heart health. This short sequence includes modifications for osteopenia and lower back pain as well as frozen shoulders, which are common menopause symptoms of low oestrogen.

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  • Rise and Shine 215:30
    Rise and Shine 2

    Clive Fogelman

    Rise and Shine, again! The second in the Rise and Shine series, back due to popular demand. Really simple 10 movements to gently start the day. No need for a yoga mat, these are movements to increase circulation and joint mobility with a little bit of strength. All from standing. Use it as a warm up for other classes or in the morning to get the body going. Equally good as a midday energiser or at the end of the day if you've been sitting for long periods or driving. A great way to break up the dy and feel more refreshed, centered and focused for the day ahead.

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  • Welcome to the Day Hatha Yoga13:56
    Welcome to the Day Hatha Yoga

    Clive Fogelman

    A perfect, gentle but invigorating start to the day, or a perfect break when you need a little grounded energising.This class can be done anywhere at anytime. A perfect way to kick off the day, mid-day energy shift or pre-yoga class warmup; there’s just ten movements to start your day, focused and energised. Working from the ground via all fours and up to standing, you will leave this class feeling grounded, balanced and centered.

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  • Yoga for Autumn44:39
    Yoga for Autumn

    Rakhee Jasani

    This is a well-rounded yoga class perfect for crisp Autumn mornings, or early evenings and brings together mindful yoga, qigong movements and breath work. Expect balances such as eagle and dancer pose. Release what no longer serves you as summer turns to autumn with this class which helps you to bring your energy back down to earth as you prepare for winter.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 441:35
    Yoga Step by Step 4

    Kate Walker

    The fourth and final class in the Step by Step series builds on the previous three classes. You should be feeling familiar with the poses and sequences, so this simple and clearly cued hatha yoga class creates more of a flow and includes new poses such as navasana (boat pose), ardha chandrasana (half moon) and bridge pose.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 340:29
    Yoga Step by Step 3

    Kate Walker

    Get ready to progress your practice. In the third class in this Step by Step hatha yoga series, you’ll find additions to the first and second classes including sunbathing pigeon, plank pose, high lunge, tree with side bend, seated twist pose, double pigeon and rolling bridge.

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  • Yoga Step by Step 238:44
    Yoga Step by Step 2

    Kate Walker

    The second in a series of progressive steps to building a hatha yoga practice. You will find classic yoga postures throughout this class, starting with supine stretches for the hamstrings and hips (perfect to combat too much desk work or travelling), then spine mobilisation and standing poses to build strength and balance in your yoga practice. Class ends with seated forward bends and twists. Enjoy the ease found from a spacious spine and deeper breaths.

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