Jivamukti Yoga › Back and Shoulders › Improvers

  • Jivamukti: Neck and Shoulder Vinyasa36:14
    Jivamukti: Neck and Shoulder Vinyasa

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This full, well-rounded Jivamukti yoga class is a vinyasa flow which is a full-body and mind stretch focusing on the neck and shoulders. This class is designed to lengthen the space of the neck and shoulders, an area which suffers so much for most of us in this modern life. Enjoy some delicious neck and shoulder stretching amidst a flowing Jivamukti flow class.

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  • Jivamukti Happy Heart50:45
    Jivamukti Happy Heart

    Lizzie Reumont

    Open the heart and the hips, areas which most of us hold tension, with a beautiful, well-rounded Jivamukti yoga class which will open and mobilise your shoulders, hips and most importantly, your heart. You will need blocks or bricks and a strap.

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  • Bhakti To The Future19:40
    Bhakti To The Future

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    In just twenty minutes you'll be surprised how far and deep you can get into your backbends. Best done after you've warmed up, this Jivamukti yoga backbend class will get you bending back and aiming right into the future.

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  • Jivamukti Backbend Express37:32
    Jivamukti Backbend Express

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A well-rounded, soulful and shorter Jivamukti practive with a focus on lengthening and strengthening the spine through backbends. Backbends not only lead to a strong spine but also open the front of the body and the heart centre. This is a practice to cultivate love and giving to others. You will need a block.

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  • Backbends for Moving Forwards58:42
    Backbends for Moving Forwards

    Lizzie Reumont

    A jivamukti yoga class designed to give us the ability to look back, and act with wisdom, even as we charge forward in life. A full Jivamukti vinyasa yoga class but with extra soul and focus on the back of the body. Thanks to our friends Wellicious for their gorgeous kit.

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  • Jivamukti: Hips & Backbends01:13:13
    Jivamukti: Hips & Backbends

    Emma Henry

    Challenge yourself with this dynamic flow that will take your practice to new heights. Emma builds a clever progressive sequence ”“ taking you deeper into long holds, deep backbends and hip-openers. Includes side plank, forearm balance, bird-of-paradise, splits (hanumanasana) and full wheel. Class starts with a chant: May all beings everywhere know peace.

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