Morning Energiser › All Levels › Over 60 mins

  • Morning Flow for Lightness and Ease01:00:32
    Morning Flow for Lightness and Ease

    Vanessa Michielon

    A beautifully sequenced well rounded vinyasa yoga class, perfect to gently energise in the mornings, with a focus on the shoulders and hips, keeping them mobile and ready for the day. This standing yoga flow lengthens tight muscles and create space in our whole body through the repetition of gentle movements in connection with the breath. Class begins with fluid patterns to lubricate our hips and shoulders, then progresses to half sun salutations and continues with easeful standing movements and balances. We finish with a series of supported floor-based postures and a guided breathing meditation to relieve stress and facilitate the shift into the rest and digest state of our nervous system.

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  • Alignment Focused Jivamukti Yoga01:41:36
    Alignment Focused Jivamukti Yoga

    Lizzie Reumont

    A complete Jivamukti yoga class for those keen to slow down and learn the precise alignment to keep you safe during practice. Build upon a stable foundation and learn to refine your alignment through self-adjustment. This class is slower and more mindful than the usual Jivamukti class, but you will still find plenty of challenges as Lizzie focuses on refined details of the poses to promote using the whole body in an integrated way. You will need blocks.

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  • Cultivating Vitality01:06:00
    Cultivating Vitality

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    Although we may believe the restorative yoga is best before bed, this practice has been designed for you to practice first thing in the morning, so that you may experience the level of presence and vitality as it filter through your day. Granted this may be on the weekend, but do try it and experience first hand your vitality through this nourishing restorative practice.

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  • Everybody Flows: Megamix01:21:00
    Everybody Flows: Megamix

    Adam Hocke

    This full length and well rounded yoga flow puts together the five-part everybody flows challenge into one mega exploratory practice. You’ll have an extended warm up and savasana, and in the middle you can practice and refine sun salutes and standing poses with a lot of ideas to make them accessible and sustainable. You’ll need a tennis ball or massage ball, a yoga brick and block, two blankets, an eye bag or wash cloth, a bolster or cushion. If you don’t have all these props, feel free to improvise.

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