Move into Calm › Stress/Anxiety › Improvers › 30 to 45 mins

  • Building Focus39:50
    Building Focus


    A perfect way to start your day leaving you feeling gently energised, stronger and a sense of clarity and focus. This Kundalini yoga class uses the Surya Kriya. This gentle yoga class practice starts with right nostril sun breathing. Mostly gentle and accessible postures (if you need something quite gentle, just give the frog sequence a miss) are done with a beautiful backdrop of music, mantra and drumming. There’s some drumming, chanting and it ends in 1 minute silent mediation.

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  • Embracing Your Personal Power45:39
    Embracing Your Personal Power


    A personal power Kundalini Yoga Kriya (a set of Kundalini Practises), known as Nabhi Kriya. This class works directly on your navel chakra, the seat of your personal power. Expect strong abdominals work, breahwork and repetitions. Mostly done on the back, no need for a yoga mat, this is a great practice to increase confidence.

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  • Winter Wellbeing Flow45:04
    Winter Wellbeing Flow

    Jean Hall

    Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.

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  • Be Here Now31:21
    Be Here Now

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class focuses on presence and being in the moment. Get moving straight away with side-bends to warm up, then a fiesty vinyasa yoga class. There's no relaxation at the end, so we recommend you end this practice with a relaxation class! Have a strap ready for some fun variations.

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  • Everyday Essentials30:05
    Everyday Essentials

    Lucy McCarthy

    This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.

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  • Elemental Flow: Root Down Gently32:36
    Elemental Flow: Root Down Gently

    Lucy McCarthy

    The First of Lucy's 5 elements series. This yoga class will connect you to the earth with gentle, slow and steady movements and a focus on grounding, slowing down and getting present. Perfect for when you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, or you just need help to calm. This class starts with a long breath-work relaxation, then works gently on the hips to release feelings of business and stress. You will need a tennis-size ball and you might need a block.

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  • Forrest Yoga Neck & Jaw Release36:04
    Forrest Yoga Neck & Jaw Release

    Kristi Rodelli

    This Forrest yoga class is just perfect if you've had a long day, if you're having a tough week, or are feeling a bit headachy. Any stresses or anxiety from the day or the week will unravel as you release aches in your neck, jaw and shoulders, which can suffer in stressful times. With hallmark strengthening and abs work, this class is perfect to keep you strong while you unwind. You will need a roll and a block.

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  • Metta: Care for Ourselves and Care for Others42:09
    Metta: Care for Ourselves and Care for Others

    Mimi Kuo-Deemer

    Featuring moon rather than sun salutes, this more nourishing practice is a beautifully nurturing slow flow and a nourishing sequence for the heart and soul. Great for when your body needs a little extra support, but you'd like to keep your movement practice. The human heart circulates the most oxygen rich supply of blood to itself first before it moves it out to the rest of the body. As humans we can also learn to care for our own bodies and experience, and use this care as a springboard to cultivate greater care for others and the world. “It is not arrogant or egotistical to feel good inside. You had nothing to do with it. It's simply the honest response to clearly perceived Reality.” – Erich Schiffmann

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  • Move Into Calm31:07
    Move Into Calm

    Zephyr Wildman

    Use this class to challenge any negative emotions and exchange them for their positive counterparts. You will be encouraged to channel love to displace disgust, courage instead of fear, wonder to replace anger and joy to overide sadness.

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  • Go Slow Floor Flow36:02
    Go Slow Floor Flow

    Jean Hall

    Beautiful slow sequence, all based on the floor so you can release bodily tension into gravity. Take your time, resist the temptation to speed up and enjoy this rejuvenating flow which is perfect for any time when you need to look after yourself and restore peace and serenity in your life.

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  • Slow Flow for Hips36:15
    Slow Flow for Hips

    Aoife Kane

    A forrest-inspired yoga class which will unwind the hip joints leaving you feeling free and open. The perfect remedy for professional sitters, this slow flowing practice will release emotional tensions that so many of us store in our hips.

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  • Slow Flow for Shoulders36:17
    Slow Flow for Shoulders

    Aoife Kane

    A forrest-insprired yoga class with special emphasis on unwinding the neck, shoulders and upper-back, areas which plague most of us who spend too much time looking at computers, or for the stressed-amongst us, who carry stress in the shoulders and upper-back. A deeeply stress-relieving class, be ready to be unwound as you slow flow! You may need a strap, you will need an extra, rolled up yoga mat.

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  • Twilight YINyasa31:39
    Twilight YINyasa

    Liz Lark

    Enjoy this beautiful yin class when you need a bit of a luxurious, supported pick-me-up, for your moon time or just before bed. A fantastic practice if you've had a tough day and you need a bit of TLC. Plenty of ease-ful, supportive poses - all supine or seated, no standing poses for added YIN-tastic vinyasa.

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  •  Yoga for Anxiety38:32
    Yoga for Anxiety

    Leila Sadeghee

    This is a yoga class for when your head is a 'swiling thought mess'. Class starts with some energetic jumping lunges (feel free to give these a miss if you're not up to them!) - then the class intersperses asana to open and release the hips with calming breath exercises. Suitable for all levels, although not everyone may be able to keep up with Leila's energy levels at the start of class, but persevere if you can! The remaining 30 minutes of yoga and breath-work is much more peaceful and bound to see your anxiety levels to calm and managable levels.

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  • Yoga Nidra with Graham31:41
    Yoga Nidra with Graham

    Graham Burns

    Graham introduces yoga nidra by briefly explaining the practice, then showing us how to set up and finally Graham treats us to a beautiful 20 minute yoga nidra practice Yoga nidra is yogic sleep. If you already know the practice and how to set up, scroll forward to 12 minutes through where Graham starts class. Prepare for deep rest and for your intentions to come to fruition.

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  • Supported Practice for Slow Days31:32
    Supported Practice for Slow Days

    Liz Lark

    A restorative sequence featuring passive inversions to relax the brain. Attention is turned inward and focus turned on the breath to calm and restore the nervous system. This practice will be perfect for relaxing you before bed, but also great practice if you've done your exercise or 100 sun salutations and just want the yoga to work its magic. You will need access to a wall, blocks and a bolster.

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