Move into Confidence › Wrist Free › 30 to 45 mins

  • The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Head, Neck and Jaw30:02
    The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Head, Neck and Jaw

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    A somatic exploration class to help release head, neck and jaw tension. This class is brilliant to learn more about our body, and become curious about how our individual parts interact. With a greater understanding of the individual movements, the whole self becomes clarified. The entire class takes part on the floor, supine, with just very small movements so that we can become curious about the way our body works. No need for a yoga mat, just a comfortable, carpeted floor to lie on and wear clothes to keep you warm and allow you to move around.

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  • Stand in your Strength39:07
    Stand in your Strength

    Amy Holly

    Come to the day with strength. This beautifully choreographed barre class has a focus on inner and outer strength. This is a complete body work out using barre technique to remember our own strength and celebrate it! Feel strong in who you are, strong in what you believe in and then use that strength out in your community. You will need a chair and a yoga mat.

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  • Kundalini Jumpstart Kriya & Aura Strengthening36:46
    Kundalini Jumpstart Kriya & Aura Strengthening


    A Kundalini yoga class of two halves to really loosen up the shoulders and build strength in the arms. The first half is a seated practice comprising the jumpstart kriya; it looks simple but be prepared to persevere! It is a great warm up for the second part of the class. The second half is aimed at strengthening the aura, so expect lots more working of the arms. You can do both parts as one class, or do them separately (second part starts at 18:40).

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  • Energising Morning Kundalini Yoga31:14
    Energising Morning Kundalini Yoga


    The morning set is an energising Kundalini yoga practice, perfect for waking you up! It is a great alternative to sun salutations as it is wrist-free. The focus here is on the breath; get started with breath of fire to wake your body and mind, then move into energising postures. The class will wind down for some more introspective poses, including a supported shoulder stand with a fun Kundalini yoga twist. It ends with a lovely, long relaxation. You will need a bolster or some pillows.

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  • Yoga To Re-Centre37:16
    Yoga To Re-Centre

    Naomi Absalom

    A creative movement practice that embodies the natural interchanging states of contraction and expansion. Moving from the centre out and back in again, this yoga class mirrors the flow of life, the shift in energy; expect juicy, fluid and fluent creative somatic movements. Challenge yourself to move in different ways, move with natural, fluid strength and flexibility. Perfect for when you've been at work all day and you just want a juicy, hip-freeing class to liberate your mind and body from modern life! Mostly wrist-free.

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