Restorative Yoga › Ready for Bed › Over 60 mins

  • Breathe Deep and Restore01:03:37
    Breathe Deep and Restore

    Dirish Shaktidas

    This yin yoga, restorative yoga and breath work class cools, calms and softens into body and mind; a deeply nourishing and supportive yoga class. Connect to your body and soul with this deep breathing experience. With a focus on breath work throughout, expect deeply restorative yoga poses to help to unwind and decompress. You will unravel the tension with cleansing breath work, deep stretches, and blissful meditation. Breathe through the yin and restorative poses; stretch and soften tense muscles; relax, release and recharge. This class is designed for anyone who needs a break, perfect for anytime in our busy lives to take time for yourself to relax, slow down, and BREATHE DEEP. You'll need a bolster, brick and a blanket.

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  • Yoga for Self Care01:29:01
    Yoga for Self Care

    Clive Fogelman

    It's time to get seriously comfy! This relaxation class is about taking some time and space for yourself. Perhaps you feel really busy and overwhelmed. Maybe you have been ill recently. Maybe you have been helping others a lot and now it’s time to look after yourself. Starting with self-massage, and then with relaxation, this is an opportunity for nurturing ourselves and creating deep nourishment and replenishment. You may need blankets, massage oils, a bolster and an eye pillow.

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