Teen Yoga › Move into Calm › Stress/Anxiety

These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:


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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath06:10
    Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This short class brings a breathing technique called bumble bee breath and brings a tibetan singing bowl to help you to focus on the sound to help you to clarify. It is a great technique to learn to clear the mind.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness26:33
    Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    A few stretches to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax the body, guided relaxation: body scan, breath counting and image visualisation, this yoga nidra is inspired from: Yoga Nidra book by Yoga Publications Trust

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (6):Moving Through Stress28:34
    Yoga for Exam Stress (6):Moving Through Stress

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This the practice for when your feeling in the heat of stress. Start by writing everything down that is on our mind, then moving into invigorating movement to let out some adrenaline and frustration. You'll need a pen and paper to write your stresses down before you start. As the video comes to end, we wind down, transforming out state of stress to a state of calm

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 208:24
    Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 2

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This affirmation workshop is to harness your own mental power so that you have greater self belief, confidence and positivity. This affirmation workshop gives us some ideas for affirmations which can help greater self-belief, confidence and confidence. Mentally repeating a series of phrases and words to re-train the mind, so that your thoughts are supporting you.It might be helpful to choose affirmations which resonate with you and repeat these during the course of the day. Some of the words and phrases are from https://chopra.com/articles/daily-affirmations-your-hour-by-hour-positivity-plan

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (3) Think It, See It, Believe it, Have It!14:16
    Yoga for Exam Stress (3) Think It, See It, Believe it, Have It!

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Guided relaxation and visualisation meditation which focuses on the power of manifestation, using the power of positive thinking and visualisation to achieve an outcome you want,whether that be your dream grade or an interview going smoothly. Generate confidence, positivity, success and resilience. Although this class is taught in a traditional seated meditation position, you can do this class anytime, anywhere, particularly is great for when you're lying down to help you to relax before you go to sleep, knowing that you're making the most of the power of your mind to work its magic when you're asleep.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (2) Breathwork For Balance & Focus08:03
    Yoga for Exam Stress (2) Breathwork For Balance & Focus

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    A useful breathwork technique to clarify and balance your mind, to help you to relax and keep focused.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (1): Fear Is Excitement Without Breath09:47
    Yoga for Exam Stress (1): Fear Is Excitement Without Breath

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Learn to manage your anxiety through an easy breathwork sequence. Robin talks us through a three part breathing technique to release fear and anxiety. These techniques can be done at any time you are feeling anxious, you don't need to be seated.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (7) Relaxation class: An essential moment to pause12:37
    Yoga for Exam Stress (7) Relaxation class: An essential moment to pause

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    It's essential to take a pause when we are focused on success. This is a guided relaxation class which gives you the time to re-charge. It's as important to re-charge as to do the hard work when you're moving towards your goal. With a brief explanation of the importance of pausing in life, this is the essential practice of learning constructive rest through guided relaxation. You'll need everything you'd need to keep comfy in your relaxation - blanket, pillow, eye-mask is helpful.

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  • Relaxation For Great Sleep28:05
    Relaxation For Great Sleep

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Get yourself ready to calm into the evening with this all-levels gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to wind down after a busy day. Move through a series of poses focusing on stretching hamstrings, back and shoulders and getting comfortable for a great night’s sleep. Breathing exercises help you slow down and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Finishes with a long relaxation leaving you restored and calm. Ideal for everyone, but especially young people.

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  • Teen Yoga: Full Body Yoga for Beginners45:59
    Teen Yoga: Full Body Yoga for Beginners

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    A perfect yoga class for teenagers, or anyone who needs some extra groudning and support. This yoga class has plenty of sun salutations to warm up and strengthening core poses for strength. You’ll need to be near a wall for supported shoulder stand. The class finishes with standing poses to help you feel grounded and centred. This class, perfect to ground anxiety in teens or young adults, but is perfect for any of us looking for a whole body strengthen and stretch. Ending with a sumptuous, full body relaxation. Based on traditional Sivananda Hatha yoga.

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