Yoga Nidra › Move into Calm › All Levels

  • Yoga Nidra Series: From Rest-Deprived to Radiance34:22
    Yoga Nidra Series: From Rest-Deprived to Radiance

    Lucy McCarthy

    Yoga Nidra gives us a pause for real replenishment and rest. The practice invites us to drop into a deep place of restoration, to hit the internal reset button that reminds your body and being of its right to a quiet mind and deep rest. This deeply calming practice aims to support those experiencing sleeplessness and insomnia.

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  • Tap Into Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Yoga Nidra33:03
    Tap Into Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra we will dive deep into reclaiming our innate ability to have clarity. We will access our insight and profound intuition leading to a sense of self-trust and heightened inspiration in life.

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  • Authentic Expression: Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra29:58
    Authentic Expression: Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be guided into cleansing any blockages or limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your authentic self. A profound journey to reclaim your voice and your unique expression into the world.

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  • Yoga Nidra Element Series: Sacred Space21:57
    Yoga Nidra Element Series: Sacred Space

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra invites us to reclaim our inner spaciousness; to feel free, vast and connected to the greater whole.

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  • Universal Connection: Crown Chakra Yoga Nidra33:52
    Universal Connection: Crown Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra takes you on a journey from separation to connection; from discord to harmony. It is a remembrance of our interconnectedness and the great peace and wonder that comes from that!

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  • Sacred Refuge: Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra34:34
    Sacred Refuge: Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be drawn right into the great beauty and wisdom of your heart. An uplifting, soulful journey that will leave you feeling heart centred, expansive and free!

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  • Powerful and Potent: Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Nidra29:14
    Powerful and Potent: Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will invited to take back your own power. Remember your own potency so you can move back into the world with renewed confidence and courage in all that you are.

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  • Free To Be Me: Sacral Chakra Yoga Nidra32:01
    Free To Be Me: Sacral Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be guided into a deep state of relaxation from which you can cultivate a true sense of your own sensuous embodiment and innate creativity. This practice invites you to go on a self-affirming journey into embracing all that you are.

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  • Inner Belonging: Root Chakra Yoga Nidra26:39
    Inner Belonging: Root Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will connect to what it means to be truly rooted. Grounding your awareness in the the base of your pelvis and your energetic roots, you will be taken on a journey to reclaim your sense of being rooted in the world and an innate state of inner belonging.

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  • Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Water28:48
    Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Water

    Lucy McCarthy

    Still Water Runs Deep. This yoga nidra invites you into a state of deep ease and fluidity. It awakens a profound state of flow and leaves you feeling deep nourished and enriched.

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  • Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Air25:02
    Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Air

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra guides us into a sweet space of inner ease. We will be guided to find a way of meeting life, its ups and downs and inevitable transitions, with a sense of fluidity and softness. Just rest comfortably - yoga nidra is a very special practice, suitable for all.

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  • Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Earth25:17
    Yoga Nidra Elements Series: Earth

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra takes us on a journey of deep grounding and centring. It is a really beautiful yoga nidra to take if there are feelings of overwhelm or anxiety. It guides us into a place of quiet steadiness, to come away feeling centred, soothed and ready for life's challenges.

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  • Yoga Nidra for Relaxation36:52
    Yoga Nidra for Relaxation

    Vidya Heisel

    Yoga Nidra is a 'yogic sleep', but the aim is not to fall asleep! This is a rewarding relaxation practice which will help melt tension in your body and mind by rotating your consciousness and awareness. You may want a bolster under your knees, a blanket under your head and an eye pillow, or you can simply lay in savasansa. Find what is most comfortable for you.

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  • Yoga Nidra: Welcome Home to Yourself16:38
    Yoga Nidra: Welcome Home to Yourself

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A yoga nidra to welcome you home to yourself just as you are, right now. Especially curated for those in their menopause journey, but equally suitable to all. Settle down and get comfy ready to do absolutely nothing at all! This practice invites you to simply to take a pause to be. This is your time and space to pause and rest. You just need a place where you can lay down comfortably, maybe with some pillows and your favourite blanket.

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  • Yoga Nidra: Your Menopause Journey30:02
    Yoga Nidra: Your Menopause Journey

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A yoga nidra especially for the menopausal journey. Settle down and get comfy ready to do absolutely nothing at all! This practice invites you to simply to take a pause, to rest and to be, because in the menopausal journey, the pause is exactly what you need. You just need a space where you can lay down comfortably, maybe with some pillows and your favourite blanket.

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  • Pregnancy Restorative Yoga with Nidra35:52
    Pregnancy Restorative Yoga with Nidra

    Katarina Rayburn

    A really relaxing yoga class of gentle movements followed by yoga nidra. This class doesn't need a yoga mat and can be done in limited space or even in bed. Start with seated joint mobility, restorative forward folds and hip openers, all preparing your mind and body for total relaxation through the practice of yoga nidra. A great practice for when you are feeling tired, in need of a 'yogic power nap' or to prepare you for bedtime. Options for using bolsters to support are used, but you can use pillows or cushions as well. This is a pregnancy yoga class, specially created for mums-to-be to be able to find time to relax, but you may also want to try this is you're not pregnant for deep relaxation.

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  • Yoga Nidra To Cool & Relax27:34
    Yoga Nidra To Cool & Relax

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    Experience the sleep of the yogis with this beautifully relaxing yoga nidra. This yoga nidra is specifically created for women undergoing perimenopause or menopause but it can be enjoyed by everybody who would like space for a beautifully calm and relaxing yogic sleep. This yoga nidra is best served with the legs raised on a chair or sofa, and you may need blankets and cushions to get really comfortable. Don't forget to prioritise your comfort during these beautiful yoga nidras. Yoga nidra starts at 3.23 so after you have heard the introduction to how to get comfortable, you may wish to start your practice then.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Winter40:01
    Honour Your Cycle: Winter

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A beautiful yoga nidra (yogic sleep) for menstruation, especially designed to ease flow, ease pain and feel nourished and supported. Uma uses the sound of Tibetan singing bowls to help us to drop into a deep, nourishing relaxation. The first 6 minutes 40 talks through setting up for yoga nidra, how to create a comfortable yoga nidra so that you feel held and supported. You may wish to start at 6.40 if you'd like to get straight into your yoga nidra after you've set up. You may enjoy a hot water bottle for this class. We recommend a scarf to wrap around the waist and a blanket to keep warm and you will need to set yourself up next to your sofa or a chair, so that your knees are resting up, and your ankles higher than your knees.

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