Move into Calm › Re-charge Fatigue › 20 to 30 mins

  • Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders 35:02
    Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders

    Margi Young

    A relaxed, contentment-inducing flow, perfect for anytime of day. Focus of the class is on shoulder and neck releases. Try this class after a busy day's work, after a long drive or travel, or to start the day feeling relaxed and open in the heart and shoulders. This class begins reclined over two blocks to begin the process of opening the front of the shoulders, lungs and heart. Move into some neck releases and twists, all with an emphasis on freedom of the shoulder area. After a few standing poses, the class ends with a supported inversion and hip opener. Props: 2 Blocks and a strap

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  • Resting in the Yin29:40
    Resting in the Yin

    Norman Blair

    A gentle, nourishing and replenishing Yin yoga class in which we stay close to the ground, gently using our bolster to help us to twist gently and relax the organs. This class is perfect to practice before bed, or when we're feeling scattered, or overwhelmed, to help to calm, soothe and relax. You will need a bolster, or a fairly firm pillow, and bricks, or books.

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  • Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm26:23
    Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm

    Petra Coveney

    Low oestrogen affects ability to produce the hormones that make us feel happy and calm, and causes low brain energy that affect our mental focus, memory and make us feel overwhelm. Join Petra for this simple class to calm anxiety and overwhelm. It includes gentle movement to improve vagal nerve tone, Ocean breath with sound to soothe your nervous system, a restorative Supported Child’s pose with the option to ‘retreat from the world,’ and two breathing and meditation practices: Mind Meets The Breath and Ladder Breath.

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  • The Yang Within The Yin30:24
    The Yang Within The Yin

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.

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  • The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Breathing25:05
    The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Breathing

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    This somatics class is an exploration to unlock our patterns of breathing. This c lass takes place entirely on the back, supine. Once we start to breathe to our full capacity, we notice ourselves feeling calmer, more focussed, and better able to sleep. Most of us tend to breathe too fast, not breathe to our potential, and not breathe at all when life gets difficult. At times of stress, many of us find it difficult to pay attention; the breath is an easy way in. This class will help to make breathing muscles more resilient, reduce shortness of breath, improve lung capacity, manage respiratory complications and reduce the impact of respiratory problems on your mental health. Particularly those recovering from illness, injury, or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, will benefit from this class.

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  • Tap Into Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Yoga Nidra33:03
    Tap Into Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra we will dive deep into reclaiming our innate ability to have clarity. We will access our insight and profound intuition leading to a sense of self-trust and heightened inspiration in life.

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  • Neck and Shoulders22:55
    Neck and Shoulders

    Clive Fogelman

    Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!

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  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Authentic Expression: Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra29:58
    Authentic Expression: Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be guided into cleansing any blockages or limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your authentic self. A profound journey to reclaim your voice and your unique expression into the world.

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  • Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga 22:01
    Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga

    Clive Fogelman

    Join Clive for this strengthening yoga class: a progressive sequence of flying plank for developing arm and core strength. Starting from all fours and including variations from downward dog, high plank and forearm plank. There are 5 sequences in total. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Leave the class feeling energised and motivated for the rest of the day. Great standalone practise or an add on to your other classes and movement practises.

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  • Gong Relaxation21:46
    Gong Relaxation


    This relaxation uses a sacred Gong, perfect to accompany a sumptuously long and luxuriously relaxing savasana. You could even prop up the back of your legs with pillows and cover your eyes for the ultimate savasana experience.

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  • Blissful Awareness29:11
    Blissful Awareness

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.

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  • Strength and Empowerment21:47
    Strength and Empowerment

    Petra Coveney

    Join Petra for this energising Hatha class designed to build bone and muscle strength while also boosting your brain and heart health. This short sequence includes modifications for osteopenia and lower back pain as well as frozen shoulders, which are common menopause symptoms of low oestrogen.

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  • Yoga Nidra Element Series: Sacred Space21:57
    Yoga Nidra Element Series: Sacred Space

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra invites us to reclaim our inner spaciousness; to feel free, vast and connected to the greater whole.

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  • Universal Connection: Crown Chakra Yoga Nidra33:52
    Universal Connection: Crown Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    This yoga nidra takes you on a journey from separation to connection; from discord to harmony. It is a remembrance of our interconnectedness and the great peace and wonder that comes from that!

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  • Sacred Refuge: Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra34:34
    Sacred Refuge: Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be drawn right into the great beauty and wisdom of your heart. An uplifting, soulful journey that will leave you feeling heart centred, expansive and free!

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  • Powerful and Potent: Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Nidra29:14
    Powerful and Potent: Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will invited to take back your own power. Remember your own potency so you can move back into the world with renewed confidence and courage in all that you are.

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  • Free To Be Me: Sacral Chakra Yoga Nidra32:01
    Free To Be Me: Sacral Chakra Yoga Nidra

    Lucy McCarthy

    In this yoga nidra you will be guided into a deep state of relaxation from which you can cultivate a true sense of your own sensuous embodiment and innate creativity. This practice invites you to go on a self-affirming journey into embracing all that you are.

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