Yoga For Pregnancy › All Levels › 20 to 30 mins

  • Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester) 22:11
    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthen and Energise your Core (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Perfect for keeping strong in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but a really great, and pretty tough, strengthening Pilates class for all of us. This is a pretty challenging class, so please do go at your own pace and modify and take rest when needed. Centered around core strength, this Pilates class incorporates a small Pilates ball , or you can equally use a small cushion or pillow, to support your back in some of the abdominal work sequences and to activate your inner thighs. Connectt deeply with your breath and move mindfully through Side Planks, Supported Planks and variations of High Curl that will challenge your stability and maintain your centre powerful, so you can reduce the risk of back pain and better support your growing baby. Suggested prop: a small Pilates ball or bolster or small cushion. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Gentle Pregnancy Yoga29:35
    Gentle Pregnancy Yoga

    Nikita Akilapa

    A beautifully slow and gentle floor-based pregnancy yoga class, with grounding postures and light movement. Take it easy on yourself with this very soft, gentle flow with plenty of pauses for rest and reflection throughout. Take tender loving care for your body, helping to create space while connecting with your breath and bonding with baby. You will need a towel or cushion and a yoga brick or block.

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  • Pregnancy Yoga: Make Room for Baby and Breath24:46
    Pregnancy Yoga: Make Room for Baby and Breath

    Nikita Akilapa

    As baby grows, it can start to feel quite crowded in there! It gets harder to take a full breath, and the bump and waist can feel tight. This all-levels pregnancy yoga class is for reintroducing some space and comfort to your mid body – more room for baby and for your breath. But you will also pick up some tips for creating mental and emotional spaciousness during this precious time.

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  • Pregnancy Yoga: Hips & Legs30:55
    Pregnancy Yoga: Hips & Legs

    Nikita Akilapa

    This pregnancy yoga class will help with discomfort in the hips and legs, which can be quite common in pregnancy, from Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) to antenatal Sciatica, Restless Leg Syndrome to full on leg cramps. This class is designed to alleviate some of these niggles, helping you feel more comfortable in your body. Suitable for all trimesters.

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  • Pregnancy Restorative Yoga20:18
    Pregnancy Restorative Yoga

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is a gentle, but deeply important pregnancy restorative yoga class that moves through three held poses using a chair to open the shoulders, quiet the mind and relax and restore deeply. Suitable for all trimesters. You will need a chair or sofa and a blanket.

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  • Pelvic Girdle Pain22:59
    Pelvic Girdle Pain

    Sally Parkes

    Pelvic pain and aches are very common during pregnancy. This class discusses why the pain may occur and gives exercises to combat the pain. These exercises are suitable for during the second and third trimester. You’ll need a block and a chair handy.

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  • Turning Breech Baby22:25
    Turning Breech Baby

    Sally Parkes

    This class can be really useful to try to turn your baby if baby is in breech position, or simply to try to encourage your baby into the right position for birth. You will need a cushion or a bolster and part of the class is near a wall.

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  • Heart Opening Sequence22:16
    Heart Opening Sequence

    Deanne Oram

    Reorganise the weight in your changing body. So often the chest gets heavy and sinks during pregnancy. This sequence will bring yourself back into balance, give energy and vitality to the shoulders and neck and re-stabilise your upperbody to lower body ratio. You will need blocks, a bolster, a blanket for the knees when on alll fours. Anyone with pelvic girdle issues should take care during leg lifts. Deanne will offer modifications.

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  • Moon Sequence For Pregnancy26:25
    Moon Sequence For Pregnancy

    Deanne Oram

    A largely standing pose moon yoga sequence. It can be practiced in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it's fantastic for safely gently energising during pregnancy. A wonderful alternative to Sun Salutations! Perfect for all trimesters but those suffering with pelvic pain in the 3rd trimester may need to modify squats. Deanne will give guidance during the video.

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  • Trimester 1: Gentle flow20:05
    Trimester 1: Gentle flow

    Sally Parkes

    A simple flowing practice for those early days during pregnancy. Sally introduces open twists and gentle side bends that will support your energy levels and refresh your day.

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  • Trimesters 2 & 3: Dynamic hips 29:17
    Trimesters 2 & 3: Dynamic hips

    Zephyr Wildman

    A dynamic, supportive vinyasa for pregnancy focusing on hip opening and pelvic strengthening. In this class, Zephyr gives some lovely shoulder and side body opening and release poses. Props: A bolster or a cushion

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