For Teachers › All Levels › 20 to 30 mins

  • Blissful Awareness29:11
    Blissful Awareness

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.

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  • Yoga For Scoliosis20:53
    Yoga For Scoliosis

    Lucy & Ben Parker

    Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine which can present in spectrum of different grades. For some, a scoliosis can be very mild, hardly noticeable and certainly not an issue for everyday movement and living. For others it can be very inhibiting, restricting movement, causing pain and discomfort, perhaps even leading to corrective surgery. In this video, Lucy & Ben explain what scoliosis is and explore how you can help yourself, or loved ones, with this condition. Explore the role of good breathing and gentle movement to stretch out and gain ease and comfort. Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.

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  • How Yoga Can Help with Long Term Illness26:15
    How Yoga Can Help with Long Term Illness

    Barbara Gallani

    How can yoga help to brighten our lives? Barbara is a yoga teacher who specialises in teaching cancer patients. This insightful talk investigates how yoga can help us to live each day with a true acceptance of our lives, exactly as they are right now. She discusses how learning from the philosophy of yoga is integral to recovery from and living with long-term illness. We also discuss how yoga can help us to keep us more mobile and free of pain, can increase our stimulate focus and lung capacity.

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  • The Fourth Yama: Brahmacharya20:24
    The Fourth Yama: Brahmacharya

    Vidya Heisel

    The fourth Yama is Brahmacharya, which means celebacy. Traditionally in India, young men would choose between being a wandering yogi or a householder, but today it is acceptable to practice a spiritual life and yoga, and be a householder. But how is this Yama relevent to our lives today in the West when celebacy is not a common way to live?

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence28:41
    Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    This sleep yoga class ritual is perfect for evening time to slow you down to get ready for bed, or remedy for middle-of-the-night wakeups. This class is for those who like some deeper yoga poses, and have more mobility. Featuring deeper hip, thigh, hamstring, and twisting poses, as well as seated forward bends. Breath using ‘the drop’ which lowers physical tension, decreases your heart rate, and dissipates the stress hormones in your body, to prepare you for deep rest. Also good for those who want to prepare for a restorative practice at any time of day. You will need a cushion, pillow or yoga brick.

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  • Breath Challenge (7): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Pt. 125:36
    Breath Challenge (7): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Pt. 1

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Find calm through your breath. Our breath is a monitor of our emotional state. In today's class we find how different breathing patterns can really change how we feel and can invoke a feeling of calm. Learn how to use this breathwork pattern to trick the body into thinking we are calm and relaxed even when we aren't! A fabulous technique to use for all stressful situations.

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  • Self-Love Practice24:27
    Self-Love Practice

    Leila Sadeghee

    Who wants to bring more light and love into their lives?! This meditation / contemplation is a profound exercise in self-acceptance and self-love. Starting with a beautiful mantra, this class is an exercise in journalling as well as visualisation and breath-work. You will need your journal, and an open mind. You may like to also watch Leila’s Self-Love Discussion.

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  • Shoulder Stabilisation Workshop25:02
    Shoulder Stabilisation Workshop

    Andrew McGonigle

    Dr Yogi gives us an essential series of movements for anyone with troubled shoulders. Shoulder stabilisation and strengthening is essential for all vinyasa flow yoga practices and for those of us who suffer from painful shoulders from poor posture, arthritis, instability or injury. This yoga class can improve your shoulder strength and stability when you practice this sequence regularly. You will need a strap, a block and a bolster.

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  • Lower Back Workshop27:15
    Lower Back Workshop

    Andrew McGonigle

    In this workshop-style tutorial, Dr Yogi discusses why the lower back is so often prone to injury and offers general advice for supporting your lower back during your yoga practice. Following this, a short sequence focusing on the lower back and strengthening the core has been carefully designed to simultaneously strengthen and release tension your spine. This is perfect for anyone with lower back aches and pains. Try to do this video at least three times a week to really feel the benefits and as with any sensitive area of the body, seek medical advice where appropriate.

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