Yoga isn’t a cure for cancer, but yoga can help you manage some of the emotional challenges of a cancer diagnosis and re-connect with your body after surgery and during therapy. We would love to introduce you to our cancer care classes, taught by Barbara Gallani, a Yoga for Cancer specialist who teaches at Puyssentut.

We hope that this FREE class to stimulate lymphatic flow will give you a taster of how yoga can support you.

The focus of this session is to stimulate lymphatic flow through slow movements of the arms and legs and gentle twists, in combination with deep and regular breathing. As the lymphatic system has no organ to pump the lymph around the body, it is important to use movement and breathing to keep the immune system active. (Please only practice once any surgical incisions have healed and with the advice from your doctor).

A cancer diagnosis is often a life-changing one. But not for the reasons you think. It can be the diagnosis to wake up to a new way of seeing life. Cancer can force you to slow down, so that if workouts were your thing, you may now see the benefits of working-in, the benefits of slow yoga, especially for cancer patients, of Yin Yoga, of Yoga Nidra, Meditation and Mindfulness. If you have had surgery, gentle yoga a few months after the surgery can really help you to reconnect with your body.

Studies have shown that yoga can lead to a better quality of life amongst cancer patients, reducing depression, reducing daytime dysfunction, aiding sleep - and a lot of anecdotal evidence is out there to say how much specific poses for cancer can help with joint aches and just help you to feel good about yourself again.

Many of the practices in this yoga for Cancer Care series are useful in dealing with joint pain often associated with chemo. The breath work and meditation is a wonderful lesson both in non-attachment, and in focusing on the beauty of the present. Chemo can leave patients feeling terrible for weeks after, and it can leave you feeling like you’re fighting a daily battle - in fact, all our language around cancer is around a fight. Indeed, cancer can feel like your body has committed an act of war against you. But fighting can leave us feeling exhausted and vulnerable. Yoga can be a useful tool to reconnect back to your body, and find peace with yourself again.

Enjoy the rest of Barbara's Cancer Care Series and over 1,700 other classes with a FREE 14 day trial and 50% off forever. Just use code COMEMOVE when you sign up.*

  • Cancer Survivors (2): Joint Mobilisation26:52
    Cancer Survivors (2): Joint Mobilisation

    Barbara Gallani

    Gentle movement benefits people affected by cancer by reducing some side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which often include joint stiffness. The sequences in this session aim to mobilise every joint in the body starting from the toes, feet and ankles and moving gradually up to bring gentle and soothing movement into the hips, spine, shoulders and hands.

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  • Cancer Survivors (3): Strengthening the Body31:33
    Cancer Survivors (3): Strengthening the Body

    Barbara Gallani

    The sequences in this session aim to strengthen the body through micro-movements and mindful leg and arm lifts using the support of the floor throughout. This is a grounding session which will allow you to deeply connect with your body while bringing strength to the muscles weakened by treatment or inactivity. This class is also great for those recovering from any bout of sickness or 'flu as your body gently gets its strength back.

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  • Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement24:39
    Cancer Survivors (4): Range of Movement

    Barbara Gallani

    This session allows you to connect with your body and to explore gently and mindfully your range of movement following surgery or cancer treatment. The sequences focus on stabilising the shoulders and finding space in the front and back of the body while feeling grounded and supported.

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  • Chair-based Yoga for Lymphatic Flow 27:05
    Chair-based Yoga for Lymphatic Flow

    Barbara Gallani

    A chair-based class accessible to all, to stimulate lymphatic flow. This sequence is ideal for those recovering from a cold or flu or illness or injury, or if you have a sedentary life or those who are recovering from surgery (especially following breast cancer). Working with twists and mobilising the ankles, as lymphatic flow can be associated with stiff joints.

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    The Netflix of Yoga (British Vogue May 2017)


    Movement for Modern Life: The problem with yoga is that physically getting yourself to class is a battle in itslelf; by the time you finally pitch up (late), you’re a sweaty, frazzled mess, crammed in the corner, while everyone glares at you for disrupting their zen. But no more. Because this is yoga that fits around you. Log onto the website, choose your style (restorative, postnatal, strengthening), the duration, (20-minutes or an hour-long stint) and your instructor (some of the world’s best - are on it) Then, in your own time, in your own house/hotel room/garden, roll out your mat and get sun saluting. Our verdict: Metal enlightenment awaits. (Tatler)


    Kat Farrants… decided to quit her day job and create a platform that allows anyone, anywhere, at any time, to do yoga with some of Britain’s best teachers. What sets it apart is the list of nurturing classes (Good morning, Sleep Well, Yoga for Athletes and Stress/Anxiety)…” Sunday Times Style Kat Farrants, a lawyer, launched her company when she could no longer fit travelling to yoga classes into her schedule. A monthly subscription accesses classes, including routines dedicated to remedy concerns such as anxiety and sleep problems It’s all easy to follow, even in Downward Dog. (The Telegraph on Sunday, Stella Magazine)


    Practicing Yoga can help you cope when life is tough. But this may be when you have no time or energy to go to a class or practise at home. That was a colleague’s dilemma when her mother died suddenly. Then Victoria discovered Movement for Modern Life, which is essentially an online yoga studio offering quality classes of varying lengths and styles with top teachers that she could do at home. It’s a great travel companion and there is a dedicated section for beginners. (Daily Mail’s YOU magazine)


    I discovered this online yoga site last year and have been hooked ever since... with Movement for Modern Life I was able to take a class a day and it's truly transforming the way I look and feel. (Suzy Greaves, Editor, Psychologies Magazine)


    I'm into the 2nd week of my free trial and I absolutely love it. I'm new to yoga and I love the fact that I can choose what type of class, what length of class, what intensity etc at anytime that suits me.


    I actually feel like I am in my own personal yoga class. I keep a mat at work so I can do a class in my office which reduces the time spent sitting! Will definitely take up membership in a weeks time. Thank you Kat Farrants, you've done me a great service .... I feel the benefits already. (Gail)


    I really love this site - the manifesto and the variety and quality of videos, I'm pregnant with my second child and it is the best way to keep up with practice and vary according to energy levels. Great! (Rebecca)


    I thought I'd share how much I'm loving my subscription - I wish I had more hours in the day as I love being able to choose exactly the class that's right for how I'm feeling and how much time I have!


    Thank you - it's a wonderful idea for people like me who can't get to all top teachers in the studios of the capital! And it's extending my practice and has taken me out of my yoga comfort zone, which is great :-) (Joanne)


    Your site has made a massive difference to my practice and therefore my life...The quality of teachers is really good and I have learnt a lot more than from the dvds I have about the poses and alignment and my flexibility and strength have really improved...


    Your website really has been the antidote for me to modern life and all its deranged deadlines and priorities. And I try and take what I learn into my work because I think somehow its about being kind to yourself which leads into kindness to other people. (Viki)


    I travel all the time and I am absolutely loving the fact that I can take my favourite teachers with me and practice wherever I go. (Dana)


    I absolutely love your site; it’s very economical and incredibly convenient. It has made me practise much more regularly and organised, so keep up the good work. (Soren)


    I've been a lifelong dabbler in yoga and part of the reason that this format works for me is that I know enough about how a pose should align that I can get on with things.... and doing it without feeling self-conscious in front of others is really a relief, and also means I'm more likely to continue to practice rather than feel ashamed of my not perfectly toned vegan yoga body. (Sarah)


    You can only do the same three DVDs so many times before it ceases to be beneficial or challenging and that is when it is easy to give up. In the time that I've been... using the MFML videos I have been able to tailor to what I am physically feeling up for. For example, I was able to do some gentle things while on my cycle and then add rigour after I finished.


    It's a great service and I will definitely be returning. (Jane)


    I do really like the site - the classes are really high quality...the variety of classes and levels available keeps things really fresh and interesting. There's a couple of very good yoga studios around my flat but .. I'm kind of intimidated to go to the classes anyway... (Emma)


    Movement for Modern Life is good for me because I can embarrass myself in the privacy of my own home and really tailor my routine to what I have time for or focus on a particular area I feel needs work. The hip openers have been really useful after a bunch of desk sitting and hunching over laptops. (Emma)


    I am finding the videos absolutely amazing - excellent quality/quantity. Classes near me weren't geared for beginners other than as 'mixed ability' & with working I couldn't get to them regularly.


    These are ideal as I can access beginners level & build up (& really understand what I am doing & why & concentrate on getting the breathing right with the moves & build up at my own pace). So fantastic thank you, wonderful to fit in with my routine & the answer to a prayer! (Liz)


    Thank you so much for this site! I'm loving being able to choose my practice and do it in my own time. I also find that my attitude towards my practice is better when there's no one around to compare myself with. (Viv)


    As seen in...



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