#MovementForModernLife + #MoveMoreLiveMore

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Welcome Yourself As You Are

The Power of Presence is a restorative yoga series that invites you to open and close your day with presence through the chakra system. Each practice is an invitation to listen deeply, to feel honestly and to notice how energy moves through your body while you’re held in the depths of stillness and silence. Each class incorporates restorative yoga poses which vary from little to moderate sensation, as well awareness practices and some gentle movement and breath work. The power of rest is that it effortlessly aligns us with our true nature. In order to show up as our unique selves, we all need to be able to go within to listen and feel. By doing so, we can take aligned action in the world in ways that feel congruent with our purpose and passions. There is no one else like you, this series invites you to take time to pause, to feel, be present with your inner landscape. We look forward to supporting you through the stillness and silence.


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Your Classes

Restorative Yoga: Be Here
Restorative Yoga: Be Here

48:43 | Adrianna Zaccardi

Restorative Yoga: Be Here

This beautiful restorative yoga class is designed to bring your awareness to rest at your root, (Muladhara) as an invitation to be here, now. Starting with a short breathwork meditation practice, this breathwork continues throughout class. Expect relaxing, long held poses with some child's pose and pelvic circles between poses. This grounding practice is suitable for all bodies, and modifications are welcome. If you are pregnant this practice can be modified, so be sure to listen out for these during the practice.

MoveTime Teacher Level
48:43 Adrianna Zaccardi All Levels
Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel
Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel

43:00 | Adrianna Zaccardi

Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel

This restorative yoga class is designed to cultivate awareness through the pelvis, lower belly and sacral plexus; the home of the creative energy centre (Svadhishthana). Poses in this yoga class focus on the back, the lower belly and the legs, and are intended to create space to allow the energy to flow fluidly through this energy centre. It starts with low lunges, moving to a restorative child’s pose and then you'll need a clear wall for ‘legs up the wall’ pose.

MoveTime Teacher Level
43:00 Adrianna Zaccardi Beginners
Restorative Yoga: Inner Radiance
Restorative Yoga: Inner Radiance

46:12 | Adrianna Zaccardi

Restorative Yoga: Inner Radiance

A gently stimulating restorative yoga class focusing on the upper abdomen and solar plexus (Manipura) and to sit within your own radiance. This practice may not be suitable for women in their second and third trimesters.

MoveTime Teacher Level
46:12 Adrianna Zaccardi Beginners
Restorative Yoga: Listening In
Restorative Yoga: Listening In

35:04 | Adrianna Zaccardi

Restorative Yoga: Listening In

This restorative yoga class brings your awareness to the throat energy centre. (Vishuddha). This energy centre is commonly connected to how we express ourselves, but this class will explore how we listen and respond. Not suitable for those with any upper spine/ neck injuries. Suitable for women in their second and third trimesters. You will need an eye pillow, blanket, bolster and blocks.

MoveTime Teacher Level
35:04 Adrianna Zaccardi All Levels
Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision
Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision

43:20 | Adrianna Zaccardi

Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision

This restorative yoga class brings awareness to inner vision, the third eye (Ajna); the intuition, the way of seeing and perceiving the world. With three poses and a breath practice, this class creates clarity and can be practiced at any time of day. Suitable for all levels and bodies, a calming practice to call you into deep presence and inner knowing.

MoveTime Teacher Level
43:20 Adrianna Zaccardi All Levels