#MovementForModernLife + #MoveMoreLiveMore

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This yoga for runners course is designed to support you with all aspects of your running both in terms of your running experience and how you can recover more efficiently between runs. Through a combination of traditional and non-traditional yoga movements and stretches you will practise different ways to support your running from strength, balance and coordination to flexibility, easing body stiffness and releasing deep tightness with in the body. The course also covers how you might use your yoga practise to support you with some common running injuries.

The Benefits of Yoga for Runners:

  • Enhance core body stability
  • Enhance core body stability
  • Strengthen muscles and core
  • Better flexibility
  • Ease of movement
  • Great range of motion
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Better control of breath
  • Fewer injuries



  • Is suitable for all levels
  • Includes 6 yoga classes for runners
  • Is a great way to stay mobile and pain free




Clive's teaching is informed by a variety of body- and mind-based practices. He is renowned for his inclusive and accessible style of teaching that encourages people to cultivate intuition within their bodies, mindful that all individuals are different and continually evolving. His classes emphasise linking breath and body to direct attention inward and become more aware of each moment and the unique nature of our own body and experience. His hatha and vinyasa classes include a range of energising and grounding sequences integrating movement and holding postures designed to build strength, develop balance and expand flexibility. His restorative, meditative and yin classes focus on deep release in the body while nurturing inner balance, calm and renewal.




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Your Classes

Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves
Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves

33:35 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves

This yoga for runners Hatha yoga class explores a range of movement to active, engage and strengthen the hamstrings and calves and the second half will focus on stretching the hamstrings and calves. This class is perfect for athletes, particularly runners, walkers and cyclists. Also great for those of us who just need a good stretch! A couple of bricks or books might be helpful for this class.

MoveTime Teacher Level
33:35 Clive Fogelman All Levels
Yoga for Runners - Glutes & Hips
Yoga for Runners - Glutes & Hips

47:40 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners - Glutes & Hips

This yoga for runners Hatha yoga class explores a combination of mobility, strengthening and stretching of the glutes and hips through a creative range of movements and stretches. A great class for runners, walkers, cyclists and also for those of us who have spent too much time sitting when travelling or working. Everyone who needs a good stretch and strengthening. A couple of yoga blocks or books and a yoga strap or belt might be helpful for this class.

MoveTime Teacher Level
47:40 Clive Fogelman All Levels
Yoga for Runners - Shin Splints
Yoga for Runners - Shin Splints

21:18 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners - Shin Splints

Part of the Yoga for Runners series. This class is designed to support those of you dealing with shin splints. The class will go through a range of movements and stretches to help alleviate pain and discomfort from shin splints as well as highlighting some options that you can integrate into your other yoga classes to support your shins.

MoveTime Teacher Level
21:18 Clive Fogelman All Levels
Yoga for Runners - Knee Pain
Yoga for Runners - Knee Pain

34:12 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners - Knee Pain

Part of the Yoga for Runners series. Another class that focuses on the knees. This class explores how we can enjoy a well-rounded practise without putting too much pressure on the knees and also how we can adjust and find other options if we are managing knee pain. For this class, you will need a bolster, blanket, a block and a strap or similar items that you can find around your house.

MoveTime Teacher Level
34:12 Clive Fogelman All Levels
Yoga for Runners - Knee Strength
Yoga for Runners - Knee Strength

29:09 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners - Knee Strength

Part of the Yoga for Runners series. Today's focus will be on the knees and how we can develop our knee strength through our yoga practise. You might be aware of the need to strengthen your knees or have been guided to this as way of recovering from a knee injury. There will also be some ideas on how you can integrate awareness of your knees into your other yoga classes with some focus on dynamic movement, stretching and leg balancing work.

MoveTime Teacher Level
29:09 Clive Fogelman All Levels
Yoga for Runners - Full Body Flow
Yoga for Runners - Full Body Flow

52:01 | Clive Fogelman

Yoga for Runners - Full Body Flow

Part of the Yoga for Runners series. A dynamic and energising flow for runners, moving through a whole range of movements and stretches that focus on mobility, agility, balance, strength and coordination. We will focus on all areas of the body, exploring both dynamic and passive stretching.

MoveTime Teacher Level
52:01 Clive Fogelman All Levels