Gentle Yoga › Meditation › Move into Calm › Increase Focus › All Levels › Dirish Shaktidas

  • Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy31:44
    Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Find balance and inspiration, and feel grounded, and recharged with this wonderful chakra meditation class. This meditation to find the Balanced State works through the chakras to find the place of infinite peace within each of us; a calm inner sanctuary free from the stress, tension and worry of the outside world. Expect a blend of slow, steady movements and intention-setting meditations to re-centre and bring renewed energy to the body, heart and mind. This meditation features movements, visualisations and breathing to inspire you from the inside out. Rather than feeling obligated to “do meditation”, you will be inspired to “feel your meditation”! To accomplish this, you don't just sit for the entire time still; instead you will be guided to help open up to be more receptive to the calm wisdom found deep within your core. When you learn to access your Balanced State, the peace and joy you uncover will extend to all aspects of your life.

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