For Teachers › Under 10 mins › Andrew McGonigle
Tutorial on Chaturanga
There's no 'right' or 'wrong' in any yoga pose, so long as movements are made slowly and in a controlled way, mindfully and with the breath, and of course so long as there is no pain or pre-existing injury! With that in mind, Chaturanga or low plank, is one of the hardest yoga poses to master. This short tutorial on the yoga pose Chaturanga shows the action needed for the pose. Do take heed, the pose needs a LOT of strength in the shoulders and abdomen, which you'll need to build separately and whilst you build that strength, or if the pose is not suitable for your body, do please practice with your knees to the ground, or simply do a high push up, rather than the low push of Chaturanga. Enjoy!
Upward Facing Dog tutorial
A tutorial on Upward Facing Dog. A very common yoga pose, but often in misalignment, this tutorial will help you to gain correct alignment in this pose.
Boat Pose (Navasana) Tutorial
A tutorial of the boat-pose, or Navasana. Showing correct alignment in this pose, this is a great pose to strengthen the core, the hips and to improve balance. You might need a block.
What Limits Our Movement?
A discussion: Learn from Dr Yogi how our movement is limited by our individual physical structure and also by our emotions and nervous systems.
Trikonasana Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Trikonasana (triangle pose), a wonderful pose for developing strength in our legs and length through the sides of our body.
Paschimottanasana Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), an introspective asana that encourages length in the back body and helps to quieten the mind. You may need a strap for this asana.
Tree Pose (Vriksasana) Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Tree Pose, a wonderful asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice. This tutorial takes you step by step into Vriksasana, a great asana to build strength in your legs, length in your side body and improve mobility and length in your spine.
Chaturanga Tutorial
Chaturanga is a challenging pose that is often practised incorrectly. This short tutorial gives tips on how to improve your alignment in this asana and prevent strain. You may need a bolster.
Eagle Pose Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Eagle Pose, a fantastic asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice.
Hip Tutorial: How We're Not All Created Equal
A very short tutorial explaining why oh why, in yoga class do we find so many differences in bodies in positions that focus on the hips. And why some some of us are desitined to struggle in poses that others find so easy. A real eye opener for anyone who's stuck on a particular pose!
Bridge Pose Tutorial
The bridge pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana as guided by Dr Yogi. A step by step guide to the alignment to watch in this pose.
Camel Pose Tutorial
Step by step guide to the backbend Camel Pose (Ustrasana) focusing on alignment given by our Dr Yogi. You will need 2 blocks.
Easy Pose Tutorial
Dr Yogi gives a guide to crossed-legged pose, Sukhasana, known as easy pose. In this guide Dr Yogi takes the pose into a forward bend. You may need two blocks.
Reclined Hero Pose
A short tutorial on Reclining Hero Pose/Saddle Pose (Supta Viranasana) given by our Dr Yogi with usual attention to alignment. You may need 2 blocks.
Seated Twist Tutorial
Baby Cobra
A step by step tutorial to Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) with an attention to alignment given by our Dr Yogi, also giving a variation on the pose.
Dancer's Pose Tutorial
The pose dedicated to Lord of the Dance (Natarajasana), is a real all-in-one pose. It's a very tricky balance, it is a backbend, it opens the shoulders and the hips. Here Dr Yogi gives the key alignment detail for performing this all-in-one for those of us who sit at desks too often.
Chair Pose Tutorial
Dr Yogi gives us the alignment detail of Chair Pose (Utkatasana) - a strong pose and the start of the Sun Salutation B, so take note!
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