Somatics and Creative Movement › Improvers › David Kam
Playful Movement: Lower Body Focus
A playful, fluid way to work on a series of goddesses, working through including squat, crow pose, wide legged forward band and inversions. This movement class focuses on fluidity and sensitising the lower extremities, particularly developing hip mobility through a sizzling series of goddesses in succession. Also be ready for some wonderfully playful ways to work with your balance and find lightness through transitions. You will need a brick or block.
Playful Movement: Upper Body Focus
Permission To Play: Yoga Jenga!
A game for the mobile and curious who are looking to play! Two rules. To add or to remove. To resist or to surrender. A nice way to ease into bearing weight on your hands and gradually across any parts of your body. A full body game which can even be turned into a dynamic massage. Play to your heart’s content!
Permission To Play (3): Leg-endary Strength
Beyond Asana
This all-round class celebrates free-form movement as ways to spark conversations with your body. This class is an offering of a template and you can journey in your own way, whether that's calming and restorative or dynamic. Sourcing movement from a deeper place of breath towards pleasure. You will venture beyond the conventions of traditional postures through an open level blueprint. Free for you to tailor towards your desired level of intensity from the dynamic to the restorative calm.
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This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.