Morning Energiser › Beginners Yoga › Adam Hocke
We know that yoga can seem intimidating and can seem like it’s a million miles away from what is attainable, achievable or even fun.
We also firmly believe that it really doesn’t matter how long your hamstrings are or whether you can touch your knees or toes or if you’re already in the cirque de soleil. Really that’s not what yoga is about. So what is yoga about?
To Movement for Modern Life, yoga is simply a tool. It is a tool which is guaranteed to make you feel better. Guaranteed. Starting with a little stretch and a little strength, you will find you feel a lot better in your body, and then you may start to breathe. You may start to feel some space in your head. In your life. You may start to feel that things feel possible that you never even knew were. But don’t take our word for it. Just get moving. Forwards ever, backwards never. Get moving and keep on moving a little bit every day. We have online yoga videos to ensure that you don’t have to even go out... Show more
Yoga for Beginners: Your Full Yoga Practice
This yoga class is the final class of the second week of the yoga for beginners course. The focus of the class is completing a full practice and reviewing alignment. Expect a flowing class where we’ll join poses together with the breath, then move through standing poses, and finishing with seated twists, bridge pose and relaxation. Take this opportunity to choose your own intention for the practice before moving through all the poses and transitions learned this week in a way which feels good for your body today. The most important lesson in this class is listening deeply to how your body is responding to the practice and taking cues from your own body. You may need a couple of bricks.
Morning Reset Flow
Start your day in the right way with this simple, down to earth vinyasa flow yoga class. Gentle yogic stretching and strengthening exercises open your body and mind for the day. Start your day with energy and focus with this all-around flow practice. This all-round yoga class includes a bit of everything everything (including sun salutations, half-moon, and crow postures) and focus on generating positive intention through breath. For all levels.
Bonus: Begin (again) Mega-mix
A bonus flow of Adam's Begin (again) Yoga challenge, putting together the individual practices of the 7-day challenge. This is an opportunity to take the skills you learned over the week and see how they come together in a full-length class. Perfect for those who have completed Adam's 7-day challenge, or those who are ready to begin their yoga practice again with a beginners' vinyasa yoga flow class.
Begin (again) 6: Keep It Simple
A beginners Vinyasa Flow yoga class keeping everything nice and simple. In this no-nonsense yoga class with down to earth teacher Adam, you'll learn a basic flow, some standing poses, balancing poses and then you'll flow through to simple backbend, folding and twisting poses. The trick to this class, and the yoga practice is keeping the breath flowing smoothly throughout. You'll need a couple of bricks and a foam block. For beginners or refreshers.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.