Re-charge Fatigue › All Levels › Gabriella Espinosa
Gentle Movement for Better Balance
The sense of play, curiosity and wonder is such an important part of being human, and this sense of playfulness can continue to inform the way we interact with the world way into our midlife and into our senior years. This is a gentle movement class which invites you to play with sensory awareness of your body in space (proprioception), gentle movement and yoga postures to improve balance and stability for your yoga practice and everyday life. You will need a foam block, an eye pillow and a blanket (or alternatives).
Yoga for Healthy Bones and Stability
A steadily paced hatha yoga class focusing on balance as one of the key pillars of bone strength. This class is great for everybody, but is especially important for women to help protect against osteoporosis. This yoga class establishes a steady foundation through the pelvis, hands and feet to help feel more connected to the body and the surrounding world. Developing balance and stability helps build agility, equilibrium and mental focus. It also helps improve proprioception - your relationship with space and the environment around you and how you move within it. You will need 2 cork bricks, a blanket, two tennis balls and a chair (optional).
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.