Teen Yoga › 20 to 30 mins
Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness
A few stretches to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax the body, guided relaxation: body scan, breath counting and image visualisation, this yoga nidra is inspired from: Yoga Nidra book by Yoga Publications Trust
Yoga for Exam Stress (6):Moving Through Stress
This the practice for when your feeling in the heat of stress. Start by writing everything down that is on our mind, then moving into invigorating movement to let out some adrenaline and frustration. You'll need a pen and paper to write your stresses down before you start. As the video comes to end, we wind down, transforming out state of stress to a state of calm
Yoga for Exam Stress (8) Wake Up and Be at your Best
The perfect class for waking up so that you can energise and focus for the day ahead. A wonderful morning yoga class or to re-charge throughout the day. Move stagnant energy around the body. Kick start your day with energy or practice in middle of the day or before you have a deadline and you feel drowsy and drained. Starting with gentle stretching and breathing exercises, with alternate nostril breathing, then moving to standing pose and modified sun salutes with backbends and balances, perfect for getting you focused.
Relaxation For Great Sleep
Get yourself ready to calm into the evening with this all-levels gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to wind down after a busy day. Move through a series of poses focusing on stretching hamstrings, back and shoulders and getting comfortable for a great night’s sleep. Breathing exercises help you slow down and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Finishes with a long relaxation leaving you restored and calm. Ideal for everyone, but especially young people.
Fun Partner Yoga
This fun partner yoga class light hearted, because yoga doesn't have to be serious, and a lovely activity to do with friends and family. Class starts off with breathing together, then solo warm up and continues with various partner poses including, paired warrior, plank, downdog, twists and forward folds. Ends with guided relaxation. This class will make you laugh, play and have fun!
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