Yin Yoga › 20 to 30 mins
Resting in the Yin
A gentle, nourishing and replenishing Yin yoga class in which we stay close to the ground, gently using our bolster to help us to twist gently and relax the organs. This class is perfect to practice before bed, or when we're feeling scattered, or overwhelmed, to help to calm, soothe and relax. You will need a bolster, or a fairly firm pillow, and bricks, or books.
The Yang Within The Yin
This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.
Yin Yoga for Hip Happiness
This yin yoga class is all about the hips. Deep hip stretches are perfect for both those of us with more sedentary lifestyles, and those who workout, so this yin yoga for hips class is ideal for all. As yin yoga is much slower and oriented towards internal experience (rather than external appearance), it might possibly be described as a counter-cultural practice. Yin swims against the currents of superficiality and speed and constant consuming. Yin yoga requires patience, and helps to foster a connection to ourselves.
Yin Yang Equinox Yoga Flow
A yoga class for the equinox or whenever you need to find balance. This class mixes Kundalini-style breath work and yoga poses which build strength and heat, balanced with yin yoga poses. Class starts with a special chakra cleansing technique to build inner vibrancy and clarity, followed by a gentle warm up, and invigorating back bends. You may need a blanket to sit on and perhaps a bolster.
Gently Restore Energy
This yin yoga class is unusual as it is based on bringing some yang into our yin. Unlike most yin yoga classes which are entirely floor based, this class starts with a standing forward bend, then moves into dragon pose, touching on energy channels and a more dynamic way of working with yin yoga energy. This is a great class for gently restoring energy after a busy day, or when an energy lift is needed.
Yin Yoga: Quickly Find Calm
The practice of tuning in to go outwards in the world is crucial to the practice of yoga. This very simple Yin yoga class helps you to move inward to then move outward into the world with clarity and calm. You do not need lots of time or effort to go inwards in order to feel the effect in a potent way. You will need a block and a blanket.
Nourishing Yin
This is a kidney-based Yin yoga class using the bolster as a prop throughout. A great class to de stress and unwind as we restore our energy levels the Yin yoga way. A fabulous class if you're feeling a bit depleated. Expect backbends and long pose holds.
Yin Yoga Toolkit
Yin Yoga is an amazing energy enhancer. Work with your inner energy, gently, to experience the joy of Yin Yoga. This toolkit is a great daily Yin Yoga practice. Andrea focuses on one pose for each of the organs. Re-discover lost energy gently. A perfect break for anytime in the day to re-set and prevent feelings of stress or overwhelm.
Finding Equanimity: Animal Yin Yoga
Many yoga positions are inspired by animals. This class includes Yin poses, some of which are a bit more fierce, a little less gentle, thank you may be used to in a Yin class. The class focus is equanimity, found from working through themes of nature and animals, who will show us aspects of ourselves, both on and off the mat. Starting from the transformative butterfly through to the sometimes less than good-natured camel, through to the caterpiller which transforms back to the butterfly. Expect to be deeply moved and transformed, as well as finding stillness through Yin. You will need a bolster and/or cushions.
Calming and Centring
Gentle and quiet, calm and centered: the possibilities of Yin yoga are an appreciation of the gift of aliveness, just as we are. This class is gentle, calm and centred, featuring only a few poses, but with long, mindful holds, you'll find this class perfect for gently opening the body, and calming and centering the mind.
Being Breathing
This gentle Yin yoga class focuses on the breath with very gentle, calming stretches that will release and transform any anxiety and prepare for sleep or gently open the body ready for the day.
Yin Hip Opener
A calming Yin yoga class with a focus on the hips, great for after a tough sports practice - hip openers are ideal for runners, cyclists, triathletes - and perfect for after a long car journey or a long, seated day at work. A beautifully restorative class focusing on finding ease and deep breaths through opening the hips and releasing the lower spine.
Relax and Soothe into the Evening
This yin yoga class is entirely at the wall. This means that the wall will aid you to relax and deepen your positions, you can relax into the wall so that tension melts away. This class is the perfect antidote for after a busy day at work. Using a wall changes the bloodflow and improves circulation. You will need a bolster.
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