Travel SOS › 10 to 20 mins › Adam Hocke
Your Daily Shoulder, Neck & Head Practice
This short yoga class mobilises, strengthens, and relaxes the shoulders and neck through their full range of motion. This is so important for our sedentary lives, and is a vital class for when you've ben busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed or when you're travelling. Additionally, you will give yourself a face, head, and jaw massage to help you release tension and find calm. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. You will need a yoga brick or block.
Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings
This yoga class helps to mobilise and feel your hamstrings and the full circumference of your hips, especially if you feel tight or restricted in these regions. To make this class more accessible if you feel inflexible, we will spend a good portion of the practice supine on our backs. You can use this as a preparation for standing poses or to stretch areas of the body which might feel tight after travel, spending long times seated or after running or cycling. You will need a strap, a yoga block or a folded blanket.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.