Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Move into Confidence › 30 to 45 mins › Kristin Campbell
Building Strength for Inversions
Set yourself up for success in inversions like handstand, forearm stand and headstand! This is a preparatory practices for inversions and will emphasise the component parts of these poses; so what needs to be opened, warmed up, strengthened and educated. Learn to warm up the hamstrings and wrists, engage the core, stabilise the shoulders and root into the earth. If you wish to build on this practice, you can do so with Kristen's tadasana and headstand tutorials. If you wish to continue your practice, you can do so with a savasana. You may need a strap and two blocks.
Building strength for arm balances
This strong yoga practice will take you through a sequence of poses which will help strengthen and warm up the body ready for arm balances. Expect hip openers, core work, wrist strengthening and shoulder stabilisation. Follow this practice with some arm balance tutorials such as crow and flying pigeon, then a well deserved savasana! You may need two blocks.
Flow Towards Flying Pigeon Pose
This strong vinyasa yoga class will flow through a series of poses in preparation for flying pigeon pose (Eka Pada Galavasana), which is essentially pigeon pose perched on top of chaturanga pose. This sequence gradually builds up to flying pigeon pose by focusing on core and upper body strength, the midline connection through activation of the inner thighs, hip opening in external rotation and hamstring lengthening, so it’s great for engaging and activating the whole body! You will need two blocks; these can be great for having under your hands to minimize compression in the soft tissues of the hips in some of the lunge shaped poses, as well as being helpful to lengthen the arms and get more space in the poses.
Wake Up & Glow
Take agency over how you want to feel today and cause an effect on your life. Are you living in reaction to life? It is all too tempting to live up in our heads, entertained by our busy minds only to be reduced to our thoughts. Our thoughts effect our feelings and our feelings cause an affect on our thoughts. We don’t get to choose what happens to us in a day, but we can choose how we react or respond to what is happening. How do you want to feel today? How do you want to influence life today? How do you want to celebrate life today? You are the artist of your day, set yourself up for success by taking agency over how you want to feel today, rather than leaving it up to the outer world to decide for you. This is living from the inside out. “Happiness is an inside job.” – William Arthur Ward Suggested props: 2 same sized blocks – are always my go to for having under my hands to minimize compression in the soft tissues of my hips in some of the lunge shaped poses.
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