#MovementForModernLife + #MoveMoreLiveMore
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Who am I? What is my true nature? This is a question that can come up for many of us from time to time. In this practical and down-to-earth course, Lucy McCarthy explores how we can live more joyfully by experiencing every part of our experience using the koshas as an anchor. The koshas are a way in which yogis perceive the way we experience our reality and live in the world. They are understood to be five layers or sheaths that intertwine and layer the soul like layers of an onion. In this progressive course Lucy will guide you systematically through these five layers so that you can fully experience your body, mind, vital energy, intuition, innate wisdom and your ability to feel bliss and joy. The course will encourage a cleansing, clearing and releasing of blockages with each layer that might get in the way of you accessing your inner joy which according to yogic philosophy is your birthright.
This course is suitable for:
- All levels
- Those who want an embodied exploration of yoga philosophy
- Exploring breath work and meditation alongside beautifully sequenced flows

#MovementForModernLife + #MoveMoreLiveMore
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Who am I? What is my true nature? This is a question that can come up for many of us from time to time. In this practical and down-to-earth course, Lucy McCarthy explores how we can live more joyfully by experiencing every part of our experience using the koshas as an anchor. The koshas are a way in which yogis perceive the way we experience our reality and live in the world. They are understood to be five layers or sheaths that intertwine and layer the soul like layers of an onion. In this progressive course Lucy will guide you systematically through these five layers so that you can fully experience your body, mind, vital energy, intuition, innate wisdom and your ability to feel bliss and joy. The course will encourage a cleansing, clearing and releasing of blockages with each layer that might get in the way of you accessing your inner joy which according to yogic philosophy is your birthright.
This course is suitable for:
- All levels
- Those who want an embodied exploration of yoga philosophy
- Exploring breath work and meditation alongside beautifully sequenced flows
Who are we? This was clearly as much of a preoccupation for the ancient yogis as it is for us now. We might ask ourselves if it is our body or our breath that defines us, or whether it is our thoughts, emotions or intuition that gives us a glimpse of our true selves. The yogis believed that all of these have a role to play in understanding ourselves and they are enmeshed and entwined and represent different aspects of ourselves. The five koshas are perceived to be our body, our breath, our mind, our intuition and finally our experience of bliss. These are all things that we have all experienced and Lucy’s classes help us to have a more embodied experience of these facets of our self. Each of the koshas ends in the word ‘maya’ from the sanskrit which can be translated as illusion. This is because our experiences are both illusory and transient, in as much as they are not a fixed reality. For example a single thought is not what fully defines us, nor is our experience or perception of ourselves as fat, or thin what defines our true self. You will notice that the koshas move from the gross and more tangible to the more subtle.
The first sheath is the ‘food’ sheath or better understood as our physical selves - our bodies and our anatomy fall into this layer. This layer certainly refers to the food we take in and how this literally becomes the building blocks for our body but also includes everything we experience through our senses. This would be the experience of what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch and how we respond to our sensory experience. Lucy’s bountiful body class, supports us in experiencing our body as we move and releases any blockages which can stifle our enjoyment of our physical self. Really enjoy your experience of moving as you take this class and notice at the end the effects that the movement has had on how you experience your body.
Although ‘prana’ is often thought of as the breath but it is more than this. ‘Prana’ is our life force or vital energy. Prana is similar to ‘qi’ as in Qigong. It is said that our ‘pranic’ body is larger than our physical body. Lucy’s Vibrant Vitality class incorporates breath work as well as revitalising yoga postures to ensure that you feel vibrant. Tune into your energy before and after the class and see whether you feel revitalised at the end.
The third sheath creates meaning out of the world. It is the layer that is linked to the thoughts, mind, perception and logic and it is where a sense of ego and identity are found. This layer is responsible for passing thoughts, daydreams, reactions and emotions as well as deeper, more robust mental structures such as beliefs and opinions. This layer can turn our ideas into reality and is the realm of our creativity and imagination. In Lucy’s Mellow Mind class, become aware of your thoughts, reactions and perceptions and see how by releasing a tight grip on these thoughts as you flow, you are able to experience a sense of greater peace and calm.
It can be difficult to describe the innate wisdom and intuition that we all experience. The vijnanamaya kosha refers to the knowledge you experience which is beyond sensory experience. You may have experienced this sense of intuition in meditation or perhaps as a deep sense of ‘knowing’ the action or path that you need to take. Some people have suggested that this layer links to our subconscious. Lucy’s class prepares the way for you to ignite your intuition. By moving meditatively and slowly you will focus on listening to your body, your mind and your intuition.
We have all had a glimpse or experience of bliss, possibly in savasana when we allow everything to fall away and experience a sense of harmony. It can sometimes feel difficult to access this state of blissfulness and Lucy’s class will encourage you to experience a sense of joy by moving through a series of playful postures and fun backbends.
The koshas are presented as separate layers but they all intertwine and one influences the other. By clearing disturbances and preoccupations within the first three, we are able to experience greater clarity within the last two and when all the koshas function well together we have a greater sense of wholeness.
You are invited to work through the classes at your own pace, perhaps exploring the classes over consecutive days, or by identifying a part of you that could do with additonal support. For example, you might want to focus on quieting a churning mind with Lucy's Mellow Mind class or boosting lacklustre energy with the class exploring the pranamaya kosha. You don't need to follow the classes in order and you can revisit them as often as you like. You might like to scan through your koshas exploring how each one feels, whether one layer is calling for your attention or you can do several classes one after the other.
Lucy has written this article where you can learn more about the five koshas and explore how the koshas can support you in uncovering your inner radiance.
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