Studio Kooks
Located in a Grade 2 listed mansion in Beckenham Place Park, Studio Kooks offers yoga, pilates and meditation with a genuine commitment to creating a warm, welcoming and lively hub for movement practices.
After years of teaching and practicing yoga and pilates, the studio’s founders, Jean Hall, Kathy King and Alison Henning decided to combine their enthusiasm and experience with their understanding of what makes a wonderful space in which to practice and teach and to create a community that makes wellness available to people of all ages and abilities.
Studio Kooks offers classes ranging from beginners to advanced, from gentle and restorative to strong and dynamic and from kids to seniors.
Taking inspiration from the beautiful setting of Beckenham Place Park, we also offer the studio for weekend workshops, master classes and day retreats to step out of the urban busy-ness and into the nurturing space of nature.
Find out more about Studio Kooks.
Videos from Studio Kooks
Sofa Yoga
A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.
Bedtime Wind Down Yoga - Replay of Live Class
Winter Wellbeing Flow
Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.
Finding Strength & Flexibility
In this strong, challenging vinyasa yoga class we explore the edge of flexibility and mobility. Learn to be strong as well as flexible, challenge your boundaries and progress your strength, mobility, flexibility and balance through both the upper and lower body and into the core. This yoga class builds gradually and gracefully from the ground through to flowing sun salutes, arm balances, standing poses, into the peak pose of Utthita Vasisthasana. You will need a strap.
Spinal Health: Somatic Flow
This mostly somatic class with yoga is for everyone and for any time of the day. It's perfect to get you set up for the day, with a focus on gentle movements to keep your spine healthy. Class starts with gentle somatic movements to sense the spine, which brings attention into tracing the pathway of the spine and its key movements which underpin spinal health and ease. Class then continues with flows through yoga movements drawing out the primary postural patterns of: flexion, extension, lateral, elongation, rotation and neutral spine. A class to add to your daily practice list for all-round back care and health!
Whole Body Awakening
If you're short for time, this yoga class is the perfect one for you. This class is a whole body awakening practice that is specifically focused on isolating, activating and mobilising the major joints and muscles in the body. This is a perfect all-rounded class in itself, but can also be used to warm up and prepare the body for dynamic and challenging poses.
Opening The Shoulders
The focus of this creatively-sequenced intermediate vinyasa is to release holding and tightness around the shoulders and reconnect the shoulders blades deep into the back. With an open chest, the heart can breathe more fully again. Working with back lengthening and strengthening poses this will help to create support, ease and poise. You will need a blanket (or rolled up yoga mat), 2 foams blocks and a strap.
Lotus Focused Vinyasa Flow
An intermediate/advanced level vinyasa yoga class. The lotus is a great symbol for moving into stillness to expand our consciousness. This fabulously sequenced hip- focused yoga class is a playful exploration of half lotus to help release and open the hips and pelvis and create a secure and rooted foundation for body and consciousness which will enhance spinal alignment and allow the flow of prana to move more freely through this channel and the wingspan of the back. You may need blanket, 2 foam blocks and a strap.
Strong Centred Flow
A fairly feisty yoga flow. A quick-paced vinyasa suitable for intermediate and advanced students. The focus is on a strong centre, a gathering in, in order to expand out. This class is swift to get moving, great if you want to get a move-on and you'd like to learn a more balanced, stronger and more centred approach to extension and flexion. You may need a few blocks and a strap.
Variation on Ashtanga Primary Series
Get Up and Glow
An artfully sequenced morning vinyasa yoga class designed to let you get up and glow, no messing around! Start the day with joyful movement. Start with gentle breath work and stretches to wake you up gently, and then get moving with vinyasa to align the breath with movement. A wonderfully energising start to the day!
Evening Floor Based Flow
Gravity Surfing Vinyasa
An energising vinyasa yoga class full of peak poses with a focus on letting gravity ground you as you rise, twist, backbend and balance your way through this gorgeous, flowing vinyasa. With advanced peak poses, intermediates can play along and surf the edge of your challenge! You may need a yoga strap.
Go Slow Floor Flow
Beautiful slow sequence, all based on the floor so you can release bodily tension into gravity. Take your time, resist the temptation to speed up and enjoy this rejuvenating flow which is perfect for any time when you need to look after yourself and restore peace and serenity in your life.
Grace and Strength Vinyasa
Wave like fluidity of the spine through variations in the namaska sun salutations feeling grace, strength and power. From a slow, graceful beginning and with plenty of more advanced yoga poses to challenge the intermediate and advanced practitioners, those not ready for the peak poses of handstand, half moon and the splits should hold back to where you feel more comfortable.
Warm Up, Cool down
The perfect 'bookend' class, which is beautiful for either side of the day, a lovely gentle, warm up, or a cool down and release the day. With long holds, deep twists and supported backbends, this is a really nourishing start of your day practice, or class to round off your day. For a weekend treat, we recommend following with Jean's Vinyasa class now your body is open. You will need a block.
Restorative Sequence
Vinyasa Flow for Moving On
This class is designed to help you to release tensions held within the body to enable you to move on and be open to possibilities in life. This slow vinyasa flow will keep you mindful and moving through life's more turbulent times to enable you to release, let you and when you are ready, move on.
Letting Go Vinyasa Flow
This slow flow class is designed to rid the body and mind of tensions which accumulate as a result of life's experiences. These tensions can hold us back, so the class focuses on releasing them so that, in time, we are ready to move on. The class begins slowly and mindfully with supine breathing practices for the first eight minutes. If you want to get moving sooner, but still gain the benefit of tension release, you may want to start with child's pose eight minutes into class. This class is a slow vinyasa flow, focusing on mindfulnes and release.
Post Natal Recovery
This yoga class is suitable for most from 6 weeks after birth and is fantastic for strengthening the core. Starting steadily, with the breath, this class moves to some juicy slow vinyasa sequences all with a strong core focus. This class is recommended to all who need to strengthen their core in a mindful, stready way. You will need a block and a cushio
Post Natal 4: Restorative
Post Natal 3 : Re-integrate
This class focuses on gentle strengthening yoga for the core, so that the tummy feels knitted back together after the recent strains. Jean also shows us some gentle shoulder stretch and strengtheners, so important for all the heavy lifting new mums have in store. You will need to set yourself up near to a wall.
Headstand Part 1 - Pose Demonstration
Headstand Part - 2 Pose Tutorial
In the second of Jean's headstand pose tutorials, she talks a student through going into headstand from the wall position. You will want to watch part 1 for her alignment pointers first, then watch the second part through, before you attempt to practice to it. Have fun turning your world upside down!
Greet the day flow
Gentle Spine: Soothe the shoulders
Aching tired shoulders? Sore neck? Tense face? Let Jean help you release it all with this calming practice. Smooth, flowing movements will release the shoulders and lubricate the joints, easing out tension. This yoga class especially for your spine and shoulders will bring spacious to yours spine leaving you feeling like new. Props: A strap or belt
Hips and Spine unwind
Post Natal 1: Your body after baby
First in Jean’s post-natal sequence which allows you to safely build your core once more. Over the weeks as you improve in strength Jean will build in stronger and more challenging to get you looking and feeling all new. This practice is a gentle welcome back to your body and gives the basic dos and don’t on how to safely build your core after pregnancy. Coming soon! Jean’s 5-minute super-mum practice.
Post Natal 2: Find the Core
Five-Min Super Mum
Awaken to Yoga
This is a lovely, meditative, sweet and slow flow to warm up the body for the day. It is great for beginners as well as advanced yogis who want to take care of their bodies from the inside out. This practice would be wonderful to be used as a pre-curser to your morning meditation as Jean gently guides attention inward through the focus on the breath. This could also be used at the end of the day before your evening meditation. Jean guides you gently into the breath, gives great alignment guidance to some gentle backbends and lovely, long modified downward dogs. No better way to start, or indeed end the day. Props: Bolster or firm pillows
Building strength for headstand
This is a perfect practice to open the shoulders and build strength and flexibility in the core as preparation for headstand. Need freer neck & shoulders? This is also for you. Join Jean and student, David This is a perfect warm up practice with plenty of modifications if you’re newer to the practice. Watch out for Jean’s headstand tutorial ”“ coming soon!
Sun Salutations
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Demo
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Practice
Join Jean’s student, David as he takes shoulderstand. Jean gives top tips for his balance once in the pose - really helpful at home as you can’t watch and practice this pose at the same time! Remember - watch Jean demo the pose first before attempting this practice so you don’t turn your head in shoulderstand. Props: Folded mat or heavy blankets.