Inversions › Intermediate/Advanced › Andrea Kwiatkowski

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  • Daily Morning Jivamukti Practice to Feel Good25:24
    Daily Morning Jivamukti Practice to Feel Good

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Feel energised with the Jivamukti yoga sequence to bring flexibility, strength and positive mindset into your day. This class is a counted invitation to simply breathe in each pose. The sequence is energising and includes a handstand at the wall if that is in your practice. You will need a wall space and two blocks.

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  • Jivamukti Yoga: Your Daily Practice29:29
    Jivamukti Yoga: Your Daily Practice

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class explores the power of repetition. Starting swiftly with Jivamukti sun salutations, this class focuses on how consistency and repetition of movements can have a transformational effect on the body, mind and spirit. Move through this dynamic vinyasa class, and explore the effect of repetition in your own body and mind. You may need a block.

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  • Chair Yoga: Play, Release and Invert00:00
    Chair Yoga: Play, Release and Invert

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Chair yoga can be fun and strong. This chair yoga class uses a chair to release tension in the upper back and shoulders to prepare us for deeper stretches. Have fun with your chair next to a wall and build up to pincha mayurasana forearm inversion. You will need a stable chair to be against the wall.

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  • 50:50 Jivamukti and Yin Yoga 20:23
    50:50 Jivamukti and Yin Yoga

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A quick moving Jivamukti yoga flow followed by some yin yoga. Class starts with swift sun salutations and moves to a handstand practice. You may need to be near a wall for handstands. Then expect a settled yin yoga practice. This class develops the the 50/50 concept by Stephen Batchelor: to be engaged outward for 50% of our time we need to have the same amount of time focusing inward.

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  • Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway: Jivamukti Inversions49:29
    Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway: Jivamukti Inversions

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A full, well-rounded Jivamukti yoga class, with a focus on inversions. Inversions are a super opportunity to change our perspecitve on life, and even take a look at the ways that we approach different things in life. This class will strengthen your core and shoulders to prepare your upper body for taking inversions. It doesn't matter what shape you make in the inversion and if you go upside down or not, it's all about how we look at situations. A great class for warming and strengthening, whether you're ready to go upside down or not. Remember to handle inversions with care, our egos can get in the way, so only work carefully and within your capabilities here! You will need a strap.

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