Somatics and Creative Movement › 30 to 45 mins › Ava Riby-Williams
Yoga for Beginners: Explore Playfulness
This beginners yoga class focuses on balances and experimenting with our yoga practice with a sense of playfulness. In this balancing sequence, it's OK to wobble and fall! The point of yoga is not to be perfect, but to embark upon a journey of exploration and curiosity. After moving through classic sun salutations with balance play, expect to experiment with eagle pose and half moon pose. You may wobble and fall, but have fun with it any enjoy the process. You will need a wall and two yoga bricks (or books!).
Somatic Movement: Feel the Heat
An invigorating, energising and heating somatics and yoga class which experiments with different movements and tempos. Enjoy feeling your own feelings and your own body. Move in a way which warms the body: the perfect way to wake up!
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.