Mindfulness › Re-charge Fatigue › Under 10 mins
Quick Morning Wake Up (Better than Espresso!)
Ground, fly, open and expand….a perfect class to start the day in the right way. Just a few Sun salutations to get the juices flowing! Be more productive with your day because as the saying goes, “If you can be more here now, you can be more there then.” All you need is a sticky mat!
Quick Fix To Calm
Have this in your yoga toolkit - its super effective at changing your mindset and bringing you calm in a matter of minutes. Practice this every day if you can. You can do this practice either lying down, it's great before bed - or on a chair if you're needing to melt away tension at work.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.