Mindfulness › Life's Challenges › Under 10 mins
Breath Challenge (8): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Part 2
Focus on Mindful walking - especially useful when we feel that we just can't sit and keep the mind still. This walking meditation / mindfulness class is great for when you're anxious as it makes a strong connection between the mind and body. This is a great 'stealth' practice. You can do this anytime you're out and about, or just before you go into any stressful event and nobody would know you're doing your mindfulness breathwork practice!!
Mindfulness To Go
A short mindfulness exercise for space, body and breath which is perfect for doing anytime, anywhere. Perhaps you're waiting at the bus stop, you're on the train or plane, you're at your desk and feeling overwhelmed, or you're just a few minutes early for an appointment. This class is a really wonderful way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. A ten minute centring exercise that you can do when you are looking to cultivate a feeling of presentness, groundedness and connection. Download this class on the App so you can take it on the go and feel space, body breath, wherever you are!
Simple Sleep Recovery Series (6): Marma Points for Relaxation
Marma points are two hand-pressure points from the Ayurvedic tradition of marma. When you find the right point, and combine these points with a long exhale, they drop you down into a relaxed state that restores your ability to de-stress and rest throughout the day, and can send you off into sweet dreams at night. Not suitable for pregnant women or those with low blood pressure. A great tool to use for anytime you need to relax and calm.
Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath
This short class brings a breathing technique called bumble bee breath and brings a tibetan singing bowl to help you to focus on the sound to help you to clarify. It is a great technique to learn to clear the mind.
Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 2
This affirmation workshop is to harness your own mental power so that you have greater self belief, confidence and positivity. This affirmation workshop gives us some ideas for affirmations which can help greater self-belief, confidence and confidence. Mentally repeating a series of phrases and words to re-train the mind, so that your thoughts are supporting you.It might be helpful to choose affirmations which resonate with you and repeat these during the course of the day. Some of the words and phrases are from https://chopra.com/articles/daily-affirmations-your-hour-by-hour-positivity-plan
Yoga for Exam Stress (4): Affirmation Workshop Part 1
Do you have a thought pattern or a habit that you have noticed that you think might be getting in your way of achieving your goal of performing at your best? This workshop explains what an affirmation is and how it can put a meditation practice into your daily life and help reach your goals and live the life you want. You will need a journal, or paper and pen for today's video.
Wanting Things Too Much: The Theory
The third and final module in our series on stress transformation. Toby's discourse on attachments, pleasures and enjoyments prepares you for the accompanying meditation.
Transforming Anger: The Theory
Discover ways to transform negative anger into positive power in this mindfulness discourse with Toby Ouvry.
Quick Fix To Calm
Have this in your yoga toolkit - its super effective at changing your mindset and bringing you calm in a matter of minutes. Practice this every day if you can. You can do this practice either lying down, it's great before bed - or on a chair if you're needing to melt away tension at work.
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