Move into Calm › All Levels › Adam Hocke
Your Calming Yoga Practice
This yoga class helps to ground and calm an anxious body or mind and bring us back to the present moment. Start with some grounding self-massage, then move gently with simple, repetitive, and breath-led movements to stabilise the nervous system. Additionally, we will pay particular attention to releasing tension in the head, neck, and shoulders to bring about a profound sense of relaxation and ease. This class is perfect after a long day or when we're overwhelmed. You will need a narrow block or a folded blanket and a brick.
Your Daily Shoulder, Neck & Head Practice
This short yoga class mobilises, strengthens, and relaxes the shoulders and neck through their full range of motion. This is so important for our sedentary lives, and is a vital class for when you've ben busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed or when you're travelling. Additionally, you will give yourself a face, head, and jaw massage to help you release tension and find calm. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. You will need a yoga brick or block.
Your Difficult Emotions Practice
A beautiful hatha yoga class to give you permission to feel all the things you're feeling, along with a safe space to process difficult or strong emotions. This class begins with a meditation and a breath-oriented slow yoga flow bringing space and warmth all around your heart along with many opportunities for self-soothing and embrace. Then we will take advantage of this compassionate environment and allow plenty of time for rest, processing, and healing in a few restorative shapes. You will need a strap, bolster, a blanket, and a couple bricks, although you can improvise with whatever you have at home.
More One Blanket Restorative Yoga
A very simple, gentle class perfect to calm you down when anxiety is high or when you are preparing for sleep. This is a minimalist restorative yoga class focused on the abdomen, side body, hip flexors, and neck. All you need for this restful practice is one blanket or towel. You may also like to have some extra cushioning ready for your head.
Slow Flow for Meditation
How can you tame a wandering mind in practice? How can you find solitude on your mat? This all-around yoga class will help you work with the concept of meditation in movement so that you can easily incorporate mindfulness into postures and flow. Expect to physically connect to the internal focus of your core and the external focus of your gaze while practising feel-good postures for head, neck, and shoulders.
Evening Calm Yoga
This calming yoga class is suitable for the evening and anytime you're needing to rest. It is a simple and straightforward grounding practice with a focus on the breath. We will use rhythmic breath as a powerful way to down-regulate the nervous system into calm and clarity, coordinated with simple movement patterns. This combination of actions and its powerful effect will help you slow down, ground and prepare for rest.
This well rounded, gentle flow yoga class brings in the joy, a perfect class to uplift if you're feeling a little low. We will, with care, bring some joy and feeling back into the body and this present moment as best as we can through opening up to breath and back-bending postures along with a few other energising surprises. You will need a blanket, and a brick or something like it, and a playful light attitude.
Self Care Flow
This yoga class is perfect for when we feel anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or just have a busy mind. It is a gentle class for anytime; when you just feel that you need to be kind to yourself, when you are anxious and wired, or when you don't like what you're reading in the news. Come back to the reality of your body and breath with this flow practice. In this sequence we go through familiar and calming patterns of movement and spend time enjoying the internal life of postures through strengthening techniques that bring us more deeply into our bodies and the reality of the present moment. As we start feeling a bit better, we round it off with some self-massage and a powerful compassion meditation.
A slow flow yoga class which is perfect if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Adam's class is incredibly grounding. Move towards feeling stabilised and balance again by re-grounding anxious energy which embodies anxious mind and restless body. Learn to meet any anxiety with kindness by feeling its physical symptoms, not just the stories you may associate with it. We will use to the tools of yoga, including stilling our gaze and heightening our feelings of embodiment, to bring you back and re-ground you in the present moment. You will need a bolster and a block or a folded blanket.
One Blanket Restorative
Restorative yoga is so important. Give your body the chance to rest fully, even if you are limited on props. All you need for this restful practice is one blanket or towel. Through a handful of supported postures we will bring a calming awareness to body and breath. Great to calm you down when anxiety is high or when you are preparing for sleep.An essential daily practice for those overwhelmed and busy.
Everybody Flows: You Need Savasana
This class is perhaps the most important of yoga poses. Savasana, resting pose. This class will allow you to enter into, prop, and experience savasana, the final relaxation posture. After a short cool-down you will learn a few ways to prop savasana and will be offered some guidance into easing your mind into rest. Once set, we will stay together for fifteen minutes. You will need a couple blankets, a bolster or cushion, an eye-bag or a soft washcloth.
Everybody Flows: Shoulder & Wrist Love
This yoga class explores new and classic ways to stretch, release, and mobilise your shoulders and wrists. This is your opportunity to care for parts of you that hold on to much stress and can take a beating in flow yoga. You can use this as a preparation for a more vigorous practice, or to just help to mobilise shoulders and wrists to help manage areas of the body that might be holding onto stress. You will need a yoga brick and a massage ball or tennis ball.
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