Yoga Pose Tutorials › Inversions › Jean Hall
Work towards inversions and find creative new ways to play with inversions.
Headstand Part 1 - Pose Demonstration
Headstand Part - 2 Pose Tutorial
In the second of Jean's headstand pose tutorials, she talks a student through going into headstand from the wall position. You will want to watch part 1 for her alignment pointers first, then watch the second part through, before you attempt to practice to it. Have fun turning your world upside down!
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Demo
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Practice
Join Jean’s student, David as he takes shoulderstand. Jean gives top tips for his balance once in the pose - really helpful at home as you can’t watch and practice this pose at the same time! Remember - watch Jean demo the pose first before attempting this practice so you don’t turn your head in shoulderstand. Props: Folded mat or heavy blankets.
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