Yoga Pose Tutorials › Inversions › Sylvia Garcia
Work towards inversions and find creative new ways to play with inversions.
Prepare For Forearm Stand
Conditioning exercises to help you to gain strength and work on correct alignment to prepare for forearm balance (Pincha Mayarasana). Also with techniques on how to fall out of forearm stand more safely and how to get into a forearm stand.
Vinyasa to inversion
A fast-moving vinyasa designed to get you ready to handstand, mostly with core work, plenty of vinyasa, ideal to practice before one of our Handstand classes in the Handstand Challenge, or for your own handstand practice. Without a cool-down, you will need a twisting and backbending sequence as well as a savasana after this class. We think that adding a yin or restorative class onto the end instead of, or after your handstands is just perfect!
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