Yoga Pose Tutorials › Under 10 mins › Dylan Ayaloo
Upward Facing Dog Pose Tutorial
Dylan shows us up-dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, alongside variations which can help alignment in this yoga pose. This pose can be practiced on its own or as part of the sun salutations.
Crow Pose Tutorial
Crow pose or Bakasana is a wonderful yoga pose to master. Here Dylan gives us an easy to follow, step by step guide to the Crow pose. Get ready to fly!
Chaturanga Tutorial
Chaturanga is one of the hardest yoga poses to master safely. Dylan explains how to get from high plank to Chaturanga safely, whilst protecting the shoulders from injury.
Downward Facing Dog Pose Tutorial
Downward facing dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is one of the most common of yoga poses, but as a result, incorrect alignment can create a habit causing injury. Dylan shows us safe, correct alignment, alongside variations to build strength and ease in the pose.
Vinyasa Tutorial
This short but sweet tutorial slows down and shows us the constituants of the 'vinyasa', the moving sequences between poses which features in the HPY Power Yoga sequences, but also in other practices. A very useful breakdown of a familiar sequence.
Ujaii Breath Tutorial
A tutorial step by step explanation of how to practice Ujaii breath - the practice used throughout yoga classes, including the Hot Power Yoga classes and explains its benefits including how the breath keeps us safer thoughout our practice.
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