Yoga for Athletes › 30 to 45 mins › Andrea Kwiatkowski
Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips
The perfect yin yoga class for those of us who spend a lot of time in shoes, standing up or sitting at a desk. It is equally great after a long day's hiking! Use this class to regain mobility in your feet and ankles and nourish your knees and hips. Yin yoga involves long holding of the poses; stay so long as you are comfortable but, as ever, if you feel any discomfort, do come out of the pose. You will need a block.
Deep Tissue Stretch
This yin class is perfect for releasing the deep fascia, or connective tissue underneath the muscle, which is really resistent to stretching and often can only be really released by a deep tissue massage or a very deep fascia stretch. All athletes, cyclists, runners and type A personalities will benefit from this class and it's an ideal class to take after a vigourous vinyasa yoga class.
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