Arm Balances › Intermediate/Advanced › Liz Lark

You know yoga. We at Movement for Modern Life know and are passionate about yoga. We know how much it has helped us in our lives.

These videos will help you do more yoga in your own time. No more rushing to class. Phew!


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  • Somatics & Yoga Inspired by Nature14:53
    Somatics & Yoga Inspired by Nature

    Liz Lark

    Take inspiration from nature with this creative and expressive short class. Starting with more advanced somatic poses to warm up, develop expressive, liberating balancing poses including the crane and tree variations. This class also includes elements of self-care with a wrist massage and a gentle seated twist after the balancing challenges.You will need a yoga strap and access to a wall.

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  • Rainbow Vinyasa Purple(5): Transcendence23:40
    Rainbow Vinyasa Purple(5): Transcendence

    Liz Lark

    A Yin Yang yoga flow, a Vinyasa yoga flow that takes us into transcendence. An advanced class which rises to wheel variations, followed by the peak poses of headstand and handstand. The class ends with breath work integration practices and a short meditation.

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  • Rainbow Vinyasa Green/Blue(4): Free As A Bird27:22
    Rainbow Vinyasa Green/Blue(4): Free As A Bird

    Liz Lark

    Fly like a bird and find freedom in this short but intense advanced vinyasa yoga class focusing on hip and shoulder opening. To achieve full variations of these yoga poses you may need to have already have warmed up with a less intense yoga class, perhaps try practicing the other classes in this Rainbow sequence to build up to this? This vinyasa is sequenced with variations on our usual bird poses, expect to fly into poses including pigeon, working with low lunges ready for bird of paradise, firefly (titibasana), side crane, then working with more shoulder opening to peacock pose, pincha mayarasana and then dropping back into wheel before shoulder stand variations. Enjoy the freedom!

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  • Advanced Vinyasa - Flow & Balance45:32
    Advanced Vinyasa - Flow & Balance

    Liz Lark

    Flow and balance in this challenging vinyasa sequence. This class begins with steady breathwork building in creative vinyasa flows to armbalances, handstand variations and backbends.

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