Gentle Yoga › Therapeutic Benefits › Clive Fogelman

If you've got a body part that's giving you trouble you've come to the right place! Bad back? Painful knees? Ouchy Hips? This is your SOS toolkit for when something hurts.


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  • Back to Yoga After Illness25:40
    Back to Yoga After Illness

    Clive Fogelman

    A gentle class to ease the body back to movement after a period of illness or injury, or after a period of not practicing. Gentle stretches to gently get the body moving again and feel more energised and invigorated after a period where we may have been more sedentary. Starting with gentle standing stretches, then stretching the hips and finally coming to floor stretches, this class is perfect to get you moving again.

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  • Yoga for Runners - Knee Pain34:12
    Yoga for Runners - Knee Pain

    Clive Fogelman

    Part of the Yoga for Runners series. Another class that focuses on the knees. This class explores how we can enjoy a well-rounded practise without putting too much pressure on the knees and also how we can adjust and find other options if we are managing knee pain. For this class, you will need a bolster, blanket, a block and a strap or similar items that you can find around your house.

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  • Yoga for Runners - Shin Splints21:18
    Yoga for Runners - Shin Splints

    Clive Fogelman

    Part of the Yoga for Runners series. This class is designed to support those of you dealing with shin splints. The class will go through a range of movements and stretches to help alleviate pain and discomfort from shin splints as well as highlighting some options that you can integrate into your other yoga classes to support your shins.

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