Hatha Yoga › Gentle Yoga › Healthy Hips › All Levels

  • Hip Opening Yoga Flow41:38
    Hip Opening Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Ease into Your Day23:24
    Ease into Your Day

    Lucy McCarthy

    This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.

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  • Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body50:03
    Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body

    Petra Coveney

    A soothing and calming yoga class to cool hot flushes and help you surrender to the natural process of change associated with the perimenopause and menopause. Expect hip opening stretches and simple somatic movements through the spine which lead to a restorative yoga practice, followed by a deep relaxation, a guided meditation and a mantra. This class is taught wholly on the floor and is very gentle and grounding. It is designed to help you befriend your body with kindness and self-compassion at a time when your body is transforming and can feel out of your control. You will need a yoga mat, a strap or belt, 1 bolster and 2 cushions (or household equivalents), and 2 blocks (or thick books). NB - Modifications: take extra care with hip and knee injuries. Osteoporosis: avoid flexion rounding your back in forward folds; keep your spine straight. Trauma: please note that hip opening poses and stretches across the chest can release tension but may also trigger trauma. Follow your own breathing pace, pause the practice when needed and find a comfortable resting pose.

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  • Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health01:13:18
    Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This yoga class brings awareness to the pelvic floor and lower body through breath, gentle movement and deep relaxation. Starting with a long relaxation, we then bring gentle movement to the body, practicing yoga poses to bring tone and range of movement to the pelvic floor. Class ends with a guided lower body relaxation. Pelvic Floor health is essential as we transition into Perimenopause and Menopause. As our levels of oestrogen begin to fluctuate, this can have an effect on the tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor. Increased levels of stress and anxiety during this time can also lead to hypertonic or overactive pelvic floor muscles caused from too much tension or tightening of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor muscles can also be weak or hypotonic meaning the muscles are not providing enough support for the bowels, bladder, and uterus. You will need a bolster, blankets, two cork bricks (if you have them, or books), a belt, sandbag or weights (optional).

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  • Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body26:43
    Protect & Recover 1: Lower Body

    Lizzie Reumont

    When you're recovering from illness or injury, start slow. Work through a very gentle recovery in this series from the ground up. This first class looks at the feet, ankles, knees and hips. Learn to understand how your body works and find and explore your own movement. This is perfect for those in the beginning stages of recovery or looking to strengthen weaknesses from past injury or illness. Warm up and move through stiff joints and bring overall awareness to the interconnectedness of the feet through the legs to the hips. This class takes place mostly seated in a chair and is accessible to most bodies.

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  • Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body54:10
    Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body

    Andrew McGonigle

    A full, strengthening yoga class which focuses on increasing foot, ankle, knee and hip mobility and strength. The focus is on mobilising joints in their full range, with an emphasis on strength rather than stretch. Often we feel a tightness which we assume needs a stretch, but often actually strengthening is needed! Dr Yogi shows us strengthening movements which we can use in our daily practices.Class starts slowly with gentle,small somatic movements and continues as a somatic/hatha yoga class. You will need foam blocks and a brick and a yoga strap or a towel. If you have a theraband, that would be useful for this class.

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