Mandala Yoga › Inversions
Work towards inversions and find creative new ways to play with inversions.
Mandala Salutations: Fiery Flanks
This is a swift-moving mandala salutation vinyasa yoga class. If you only have a spare half hour, it’s a sure and fast way to get you flowing and sweating. This power yoga class focuses on stretching and strengthening through your side body. Expect lots of lovely twists, plank variations and (optional) inversions. The mandala practice moves 360 degrees around your mat, so perhaps watch the first couple of flows to find out where Katarina takes you, or listen intently, as you won't always be able to see the screen. This change of perspective is a perfect way to change the way you look at life, getting insight from new ways of seeing things. The class focuses on igniting Agni (internal fire) and bringing awareness to Manipura chakra, our source of willpower and transformation. This class is the pure-flow for those who just need to move but if you want to extend this practice we recommend taking a supine twist to wake up the target area.
Mandala Salutations: Hamstrings & Inversions
A dynamic, swift-paced mandala sun salutation based vinyasa yoga class. Mandala salutations move 360 degrees around the mat, this flow focuses on hamstrings and working towards inversions. Class gets started straight away, you'll find plenty of hamstring-opening poses to get you stronger and prepare you for your inversion practice. This class is tough, fast and fun. We recommend you do a warming up practice and a relaxation practice afternwards, but this one is the pure-flow for those who just need to move! This class is inspired by my self practice, when i'm away teaching my retreats, and only have a spare half hour to make the most of! You will need two bricks.
Water Mandala Vinyasa
A beautiful, well rounded feisty Vinyasa yoga class. This is a watery, fluid mandala yoga class, where you'll move from back to front of the mat and building your flow with a focus on the hips. Includes advanced level options of arm-balances, headstand and forearm balance - but of course you can be as gentle as you'd like, taking child's pose whenever you need to. You may need a strap, two bricks and maybe a block.
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