Hatha Yoga › Inversions
Work towards inversions and find creative new ways to play with inversions.
Sofa Yoga
A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.
Shoulder Stand Tutorial
A shoulder stand tutorial which works through the preparations to build up to this inversion. If you're not quite ready for a shoulder stand, use this class to find suitable alternatives and learn how to grow your strength and confidence. You may want to place your mat by and will need a blanket.
Everybody Flows: Shoulder & Wrist Love
This yoga class explores new and classic ways to stretch, release, and mobilise your shoulders and wrists. This is your opportunity to care for parts of you that hold on to much stress and can take a beating in flow yoga. You can use this as a preparation for a more vigorous practice, or to just help to mobilise shoulders and wrists to help manage areas of the body that might be holding onto stress. You will need a yoga brick and a massage ball or tennis ball.
Inversions For Fearlessness
Face your fears in this short but sweet class. Try some challenging inversions but always with the safety of the wall and plenty of time to recover inbetween. Ends with a gorgeous and well deserved relaxation.
Balance Into Happiness
Take this class whenever you need to ditch negative thoughts and move into positivity. Plenty of balances and stretches with peak poses of crow and shoulder stand, the rest is achievable for everyone!
Forearm Balance Tutorial
Emma prepares us for the key consituents for the complex pose of Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana)- this is a balance which requires open shoulders, good balance and plenty of core strength. You will need a block. This tutorial shows us how to prepare, open and strengthen for the pose, how to safely perform Forearm Balance by the wall and then how to perform Forearm Balance in the middle of the room and how to fall out of it. You will need a belt, and possibly another rolled up mat.
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