Over 60 mins › Adam Hocke
Your Difficult Emotions Practice
A beautiful hatha yoga class to give you permission to feel all the things you're feeling, along with a safe space to process difficult or strong emotions. This class begins with a meditation and a breath-oriented slow yoga flow bringing space and warmth all around your heart along with many opportunities for self-soothing and embrace. Then we will take advantage of this compassionate environment and allow plenty of time for rest, processing, and healing in a few restorative shapes. You will need a strap, bolster, a blanket, and a couple bricks, although you can improvise with whatever you have at home.
Anytime Complete Yoga Class
A wonderfully indulgent full-length yoga class where you will get to do a little bit of everything. That means: flow, standing postures, arm balances, inversions, forward folds, breathing, and rest. Importantly, we will take our time ensuring the postures are well executed and mindful. But, we will still move at a steady enough pace that we can efficiently explore a wide range of different and sometimes challenging movements.
Everybody Flows: Megamix
This full length and well rounded yoga flow puts together the five-part everybody flows challenge into one mega exploratory practice. You’ll have an extended warm up and savasana, and in the middle you can practice and refine sun salutes and standing poses with a lot of ideas to make them accessible and sustainable. You’ll need a tennis ball or massage ball, a yoga brick and block, two blankets, an eye bag or wash cloth, a bolster or cushion. If you don’t have all these props, feel free to improvise.