Women's Health › 10 to 20 mins › Lucy McCarthy
Cultivating Courage Meditation
A seated meditation with mudra and mantra; call on the goddess durga for your strength and courage. This is a seated guided meditation with mudra (hand gesture) and repetition of mantra (sacred yogic chant) to invite the brave, courageous, inner warrioress within us to come forth! A simple yet potent centring and empowering practice to steady the mind and embolden the heart. Suitable for all trimesters and life in general!!
Pregnancy Restorative Yoga & Meditation
Although this is a pregnancy restorative yoga class, this is just lovely for everybody! This pregnancy restorative yoga class comprises just one very comfortable postition. You will simply relax in a beautiful heart and hip opening pose with rotation of consciousness guided meditation to invite deep rest and renewal during pregnancy. Suitable for all trimesters.You will need two bolsters, two bricks and a blanket, but you can improvise with sofa cushions or pillows!
Surrender to Your Flow - Moon Time Meditation
A guided visualisation taken whilst lying down for extra nourishment to help to support you through days you're needing to release and relax and that extra support.
Keep Grounded Through Change
This is a slow, easy class for when you need to move just a little bit, and will help you to keep centred or grounded in times of change. This is especially important during the menopause and can really help you go through life's biggest change, but it's also an awesome class to take during your period or if you're going through any periods of disruption and you just need some slow, gentle moving support. You will need a block.
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