Wrist Free › 10 to 20 mins › Andrea Kwiatkowski

  • Breathing Exercises for Morning Energy Boost11:20
    Breathing Exercises for Morning Energy Boost

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Move stuck energy and feel energised with breathwork! Starting with Kapala Bhati (Skull Shining Breath), then Alternate Nostril Breathing with Kapala Bhati and Udiyana Badha, these Yogic Kriyas (the cleansing actions of yoga) are great for waking up and getting energised. This is not suitable if you are pregnant, have tummy issues or are recovering from surgery.

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  • Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset11:03
    Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Wake up and start the day with a positive mindset from the Jivamukti method. How you start your day colours your entire day. This short morning session includes affirmations and gratitude practices to start the best way. Featuring Sanskrit chants to put us in a positive frame of mind, the class then talks us through some gratitude journaling. It’s helpful to have a notebook or journal for this class.

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  • Wake Up and Shake Up04:18
    Wake Up and Shake Up

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A morning stretch, shake up and wake up class exploring yin yoga poses to wake up the body and shake up the energy. This is a yoga class unlike anything you've done before. Featuring 'tantrum-asana' - great for releasing anger and frustration! No mat needed just wake up, stretch and release all pent up emotion.

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  • Awake and Alert: Tapping and Breathing 10:31
    Awake and Alert: Tapping and Breathing

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Unlock vitality! Perfect for the morning or when you need a pick me up of energy. No need for a yoga mat, the class includes simple energising techniques of tapping, breath work and twists which could be done standing or seated. Class is perfect for all mobility levels, all bodies, all ages.

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