Inversions › Emma Henry
Work towards inversions and find creative new ways to play with inversions.
Wake Up with Morning Jivamukti
This shorter Jivamukti practice is perfect for the morning, or when you might be shorter on time, but it's a full-length class, no frills but expect thrills. The class includes juicy vinyasa sequences, twists, back and foreward bends, plus headstand. Everything you'd want to set you up for the day. You may need blocks and a blanket.
Forearm Balance Tutorial
Emma prepares us for the key consituents for the complex pose of Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana)- this is a balance which requires open shoulders, good balance and plenty of core strength. You will need a block. This tutorial shows us how to prepare, open and strengthen for the pose, how to safely perform Forearm Balance by the wall and then how to perform Forearm Balance in the middle of the room and how to fall out of it. You will need a belt, and possibly another rolled up mat.