Inversions › Improvers › Under 10 mins
Headstand Tutorial
This yoga pose tutorial offers two variations of the headstand; the standard headstand and the tripod headstand. If you have never tried headstand before, this is a great place to start. It is also a handy reminder on alignment for those more experienced in this pose.
Upside Down At The Wall
Practise handstand, forearm-stand and headstand at the wall with support and guidance. Straightforward and direct, we will go step-by-step through the progression of these postures with the support of the wall. Add this to your daily practice (remembering it takes time to develop these postures!) or whenever you need a reminder.
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Demo
Shoulder Stand Tutorial: Practice
Join Jean’s student, David as he takes shoulderstand. Jean gives top tips for his balance once in the pose - really helpful at home as you can’t watch and practice this pose at the same time! Remember - watch Jean demo the pose first before attempting this practice so you don’t turn your head in shoulderstand. Props: Folded mat or heavy blankets.
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