Morning Energiser › Under 10 mins › Andrea Kwiatkowski
Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work
A wonderful practice for first thing in the morning to raise your energy! This is a breath work class called Skull Shining Breath which is fantastic to improve our focus and energy and get ready for the day. Don't practice on a full stomach or if you're pregnant, and as with any class, don't force anything. Enjoy letting the energy flow!
Tune In Tune Up: The Crown Centre
This yoga class is all about connection with the divine! The crown chakra is where our ego dissolves and we connect with the source. Headstand is the posture for this class. If you don't have a regular headstand practice, then just place your head on the ground in your child's pose and you'll feel the same benefits.
Wake Me Up Before you Yo-ga
A mini-morning dance energy shake up. Have fun with simple, accessible, fun movements! Wake up and energise with dance.These steps are said to improve brain function, muscle brain function and muscle memory. Suitable for all!! A perfect class for whilst you wait for the kettle to boil or before you get into the shower!! You'll need nothing but an open mind.
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