Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Arm Balances › Over 60 mins
Forrest Yoga Ceremony 1: May the Rainbow Always Touch Your Shoulder
A really wonderfully feisty two hour Forrest yoga class which moves the body and nurtures the spirit. This Forrest Yoga intensive includes a B series with standing poses, spiced with strategically placed hand balances and inversions. This class begins & ends with sacred song & Cherokee prayer. During Savasana Jose transports us into the Dreamtime with his original virtuoso music.
Rocket Happy Hour
This dynamic vinyasa yoga class is Rocket Yoga - an energetic and invigorating practice which has its roots in Ashtanga vinyasa. Expect something similar to Ashtanga, but with more flight, more variety and perhaps a little more fire than you'd get from a primary series class. This class is fast moving, after sun salutes you'll have the opportunity to get into crow pose, and then plenty of more advanced postures such as arm balances and inversions but modifications will be given. Linking breath and movement, this dynamic class will leave you with a sense of play, fun and you'll certainly feel it. Come with an open and playful mind; leave your ego behind and don't be afraid to fly or fall! You will need two bricks.
Water Mandala Vinyasa
A beautiful, well rounded feisty Vinyasa yoga class. This is a watery, fluid mandala yoga class, where you'll move from back to front of the mat and building your flow with a focus on the hips. Includes advanced level options of arm-balances, headstand and forearm balance - but of course you can be as gentle as you'd like, taking child's pose whenever you need to. You may need a strap, two bricks and maybe a block.
Advanced Power Yoga
Turn up the heat with Dylan for this full spectrum intermediate/ advanced class. Dylan offers options for a improvers with advanced options, so there are two alternative levels to practice in this up-tempo class which includes free dynamic vinyasa, twists, arm-balances, backbends, forward bends and inversions. Go on, challenge yourself!
Classic Power Yoga
This is the classic full power yoga class for all levels. Dylan offers basic and intermediate level options throughout this Hot Power Yoga classic sequence. Practice includes dynamic sun salutations, twists, arm-balances, backbends, forward bends and inversions. Turn up the heating in your room for full effect!
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