Move into Confidence › Life's Challenges › Intermediate/Advanced › 45 to 60 mins

  • Wake Up Body and Mind56:50
    Wake Up Body and Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • Kriya to Energise50:19
    Kriya to Energise


    You can do this seated or lying down. Join Kiranjot for energising class through Kundalini yoga body movements and breathwork. This uplifting class works on the ten bodies: the 10 bodies are the kundalini equlivalenet of the koshas, The Soul, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line aka Halo, Aura, Pranic body, Subtle Body and Radiant Body. With a savasana, resting pose, at the end of the physical movements, then with chanting and mandra. This class is a fantastic all round tonic. No yoga mat needed, suitable for those with wrist issues, and suitable for most levels of mobility and strength (with modifications).

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  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • Yoga Through Life's Transitions47:25
    Yoga Through Life's Transitions

    Clare Beagley

    This yoga class teaches us how to transition through change in life, big life changes or the changes which touch us in every day life. This class will have you surfing on your ocean breath and enjoying moving through and greeting change head on. This class is dynamic, but you are encouraged to spend time in transitions and enjoy the process of transitioning, rather than the destination. A strong hip focus and plenty of creative, fun variations on the usual poses. You will need a rolled up mat or a block and a strap.

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  •  Vinyasa for cultivating fearlessness55:13
    Vinyasa for cultivating fearlessness

    Leila Sadeghee

    A fast-moving yoga class which takes us to the edge of expansion and creativity, taking us to the edges - the polar opposites of the connection to life as 'always becoming' and experience life as 'always being'. A swift, heated sequence but with holding energy. Plenty of lovely creative sequencing, lots of strength, twists and fun. You may need a block and a strap.

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  • Radical Creativity55:25
    Radical Creativity

    Leila Sadeghee

    Need to clear some head space or find great new challenge on the mat? Leila throws in some criss-cross core work to scramble the brain, handstands and chanting to clear creative blocks and revitalise.

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