Move into Happiness › Women's Health › All Levels

  • Heart Opening Flow for Everybody 20:55
    Heart Opening Flow for Everybody

    Kate Walker

    A perfect all-levels yoga class to make you feel open in the shoulders, to combat tech neck stoop, and feel free in your body. An accessible, easy to follow class that opens up the stiff upper back and shoulders to allow for more ease in the breath and the heart centre. We invite energy and breath to this vital area to create a sense of calm, wellbeing and courage.

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  • Pilates: Glutes, Legs and Mobile Hips 33:09
    Pilates: Glutes, Legs and Mobile Hips

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates class is great for everybody, pregnant or non-pregnant bodies will love this strengthening class. Build strength in the lower body and maintaining mobility in the hips. Feel your glutes burning with strong glute strengthening exercises and with safe exercises from side laying positions and all 4s. This is a complete lower body work that will leave you feeling stronger, energised and refreshed (and aware that maybe your glutes need some more love!). This class is particularly recommended for those who drive a lot, for after travel, or who have a more sedentary lifestyle as your lower back will love you after these strong strengthening and mobiliising exercises. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Yoga - Nourish your Whole Body (for all levels and trimesters)41:53
    Prenatal Yoga - Nourish your Whole Body (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    A beautiful prenatal yoga sequence to open your entire body with a slow and gentle sequence of seated and standing poses promoting mobility and strength, full of mindful variations to adjust your practice to what feels best to you today. Explore movements that help you create space in your pelvic floor and hips, such as Staff Pose, Dragonfly and Lizard Pose, and build safe stability with supported Side Plank and standing balances, such as Half Moon. You will close with a moment of contemplation and connection to your breath and your baby in a peaceful guided meditation. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Full Body Glow (for all levels, up until second trimester) 45:25
    Prenatal Pilates - Full Body Glow (for all levels, up until second trimester)

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Prenatal Pilates class for all levels, up until second trimester). It is also just a wonderful Pilates class for all round strength, for any body. This class integrates a variety of safe Pilates exercises to engage the full body to maintain optimal mobility and stability through the joints. Enjoy different abdominal strengthening exercises in a variety of position, to target all the core muscles without uncomfortable crunches. Also activate hamstrings and build up strength in the glutes with side laying leg patterns focusing on internal and external rotation in your hip joints. This is a complete and balanced Prenatal Pilates practice to practice a couple of times a week to uplift your mood and maintain wellbeing during pregnancy, but also for all of us at any time the body needs to be given a full body glow! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Yoga for Menopause Anger: Fierce Power31:02
    Yoga for Menopause Anger: Fierce Power

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Anger and rage are common during menopause. This may surprise to you and those around you. We've been taught to believe that anger is a negative emotion that shouldn't be expressed so we bottle it up until it explodes or mask it and this can cause us internal conflict. In this menopause yoga class we learn to work with anger as a positive force for healing, empowerment and healthy communication. Using the power of breath, sound, somatic enquiry and movement we will give space to our anger and allow it to be felt, moved, and released. The class will take place seated and standing, the first part of the class takes place entirely seated. You can also lie down for this part. The second part has us adopt yoga poses accessible to most bodies. Transform your anger into fierce power!

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation10:39
    Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation

    Petra Coveney

    It’s never too early to prepare for your Second Spring and we can start by becoming more comfortable with change. Join Petra for this guided visualisation meditation as she walks you through the seasons of a woman’s life, drawing on Nature’s seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and arriving in your Second Spring.

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  • Second Spring: Opening Your Heart08:24
    Second Spring: Opening Your Heart

    Petra Coveney

    Embracing your menopause can foster a positive mindset, which may benefit our moods and mental health. Join Petra for this 5-10 restorative pose called Mountain brook that can help you to breathe more deeply by gently stretching across your chest, and open your heart to opportunities in post menopause Second Spring.

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  • Meditation: Befriending your Whole Self12:46
    Meditation: Befriending your Whole Self

    Gabriella Espinosa

    In this short meditation class, be guided through an embodied enquiry of the layers of your body (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual) as a way of tuning into, welcoming and befriending your body. When we take time to listen and connect to our body we make room to welcome the full spectrum of our human experience – from the comfortable to the not so comfortable. Befriending the body in this way widens the circle of compassion and acceptance of this moment allowing you to tap into the inherent wisdom that resides within. This is a really useful short practice to connect to yourself at the start of your day, before any yoga class and when you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress or overwhelm.

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  • Yoga Nidra: Your Menopause Journey30:02
    Yoga Nidra: Your Menopause Journey

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A yoga nidra especially for the menopausal journey. Settle down and get comfy ready to do absolutely nothing at all! This practice invites you to simply to take a pause, to rest and to be, because in the menopausal journey, the pause is exactly what you need. You just need a space where you can lay down comfortably, maybe with some pillows and your favourite blanket.

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  • Open to Your Heart’s Desire47:48
    Open to Your Heart’s Desire

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This heart-centred gentle yoga class is designed to help you connect to your heart's desire, to your inner wisdom and to feel more love for oneself and one another. It includes opening to self love through embodied enquiry, gentle stretching and movement, finishing with yin postures and a guided visualisation to connect deeply to your heart’s desire and its expression in the world.

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